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Self Help: Searching & Evaluating

Search Strategies

Are you finding too many results? Too few? Use the resources below to learn to search better and smarter!

Academic Databases vs. Google

Improve your Googling with the info below, and make sure that when you use Google, for school or for life, that you have all the best tips and tricks at your fingertips.

Google Like a Pro:

Did you know that there are over 40 search operators that you can use to search  Google more effectively, many of which can be used in  Scholar too?  Here are the top five that I use consistently, plus a Handout that we produced for a workshop for postgrads this year.

Evaluating Information

Evaluating the accuracy and suitability of information is important for every academic assignment! Use the resources below to learn how to critically evaluate all the resources you find from the library and beyond.

Using Information Ethically

Academic Integrity is one of the most important parts of University learning. Use the resources below to learn why you should cite all your information and how to use information in an ethical manner.

We want your feedback!
We want to make sure this guide helps you find what you need to know, so let us know whether it answered your questions.
Email Alexander Ritchie with any comments or suggestions on how we can improve it.