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Physical Education, Sport & Exercise Sciences: Theses & Conference Papers

Find Theses & Dissertations

  • Library Search | Ketu
    Search Otago theses and dissertations by filtering the material 'type' to  'Dissertations' and 'Theses', then limit to 'Available in Library'.
  • Te Puna - National Library of New Zealand
    Search for theses deposited in all New Zealand university libraries, including Otago. You can limit to "Thesis, Dissertation" formats, once you have made an initial search.
  • Trove
    For theses from Australian institutions. Use Advanced Search 'Research & Reports', and limit the item format to 'Thesis'.
  • EThOS: Electronic Theses Online Service
    UK doctoral theses (users are required to register when ordering documents). A service from the British Library.
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
    Search for Doctoral dissertations and Master's theses from thousands of institutions around the world. Most content added since 1997 is available in full-text.

Conference Papers

Conferences papers are a source of current research.

Search  Scopus, and Web of Science for conference papers by specifying this as the document type in your search.

Full-text conference papers may be hard to obtain. If a paper is not available online, you may be able to contact the author and request a copy.  Also, the Library may be able to borrow or purchase published proceedings--ask your subject librarian about how to do this.

Google Scholar  - Try combining your search terms with words like conference, proceedings, congresses, symposium.

Research Repositories

A research repository provides public access to research outputs from institutions such as universities and governmental agencies. Researchers are often required by their funding agencies to deposit resulting publications in an open-access repository.

  • OUR Archive
    Selected publications produced at the University of Otago. Includes theses, journal articles, working papers and more.
  • NZ Research
    A gateway to the research documents (including theses) produced at universities, polytechnics, and other research institutions in New Zealand.