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Library Search | Ketu Help: My Library Account

See below on how to access your My Library Account and what it can look like from the Overview page.


1.                   The Loans section displays a preview of any items you have on loan, each item's due date, and the location of the library where the item is usually housed. Most items on loan will automatically renew – exceptions include Reserve & 3-day books, recalled items, theses, interloans and Hocken material. To view your full list of loan items or to renew eligible items, select the Loans tab.
2.  The Requests section shows any requests you have made, what status the request is at, and which library to collect your item from. To view all your requests, select the Requests tab.
3.  If you have any fines, the full list will be displayed under the Fines tab. Select the pay icon (Pay icon) to pay your library fines by credit card.
4. In some circumstances, the library may need to send you a message. Please note this is not the same as your University email account.
The button at the top right of the screen will lead to your My Library Account. This button is available from each Library Search | Ketu page.