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Ophthalmology: Home

About this guide

This guide will help you find relevant databases, books, journals, websites and specialist resources for your research in ophthalmology. 

Please explore the tabs along the top for tips on finding specific types of resources.

You can also make an appointment to see me, your subject specialist librarian, if you'd like some support with your research.

The guide is always a work in progress, so I welcome suggestions for additional relevant content. 

Useful Public Websites

Atlas of Ophthalmology

The Atlas of Ophthalmology is a public online database, free of charge, edited by specialists in the field.

ARVO: The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology

The purpose of ARVO is to encourage and assist research, training, publication, and dissemination of knowledge in vision and ophthalmology.

International Council of Ophthalmology

The International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) represents and serves professional associations of ophthalmologists throughout the world.
