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Oral Health: Referencing & Writing

Citing your references

Referencing and citing refers to the method by which authors give credit to their sources of research information. A citation style is a standardized way of citing materials used in your research that will help you to avoid plagiarism.

The citation style commonly used within Oral Health is APA.  However if you are unsure which citation style to use, read your Course Outline, or ask your lecturer or tutor.

Options for Managing References

Tips on choosing and using citation styles (also called referencing styles) plus using systems such as EndNote, Zotero and Mendeley.

Avoiding plagiarism

The University of Otago takes plagiarism seriously.  These resources will help you understand what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. 

Help with Writing


To assist you to develop the writing skills necessary to become a confident and skilled writer, the Student Learning Development offer the following services:

  • One to one consultations
  • Online resources
  • Peer learning and support programmes
  • Workshops