The census is the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in New Zealand. It takes a snapshot of the people in New Zealand and the places where we live.
Provides access to a wide range of time series data from Stats NZ. Includes: economic information, demographic measures, arrival and departure data, wholesale and retail trade information, exports and imports data, building consents data.
An up to date analysis of New Zealander's political behaviour during a period of social and economic change and, most particularly, during the transition between electoral systems: the first past the post (FPP) or plurality electoral system in effect in New Zealand from the origins of the political system, and the new Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) system which is in effect from the 1996 election. The study covers the elections from 1990-2020.
A directory of publicly-available, non-personal New Zealand government held datasets. This site does not host data, instead it links to datasets held on other government websites.
All new and revised data published by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. Includes exchange rates, interest rates, financial statistics, economic indicators, Government finance and securities, NZ's International position and more.
Provides ranges of annual data from 1815 to the present for all countries for many variables of use to the social scientist researcher. Includes Domestic Conflict Event Data: Terrorism and Guerrilla Warfare, Assassinations, Revolutions, Riots, Purges, Major Government Crises, Anti-Government Demonstrations, General Strikes and Political, Legislative and Economic Data.
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions.
Development data from officially-recognized international sources. Global Development Finance (GDF) provides external debt and financial flows statistics for countries that report public and publicly-guaranteed debt under the World Bank's Debtor Reporting System (DRS).
Besides "Measuring Worth" , this site has archived data from a number of scholars. Most data sets are about America or Europe in the 19th & 20th centuries. There is also a list of ongoing projects and data sets archived elsewhere.
Historical data on bonds, commodities, interest rates, stock markets and indices, futures, exchange rates, GDP, prices, and unemployment. Includes economic data: 1624+; stock market data: 1693+; real estate data 1830+.
The Historical Census and Colonial Data Archive (HCCDA) is a searchable archive of Australian Colonial census publications and reports. It's a sub-archive of the Australian Data Archive (ADA). Please note that the archive contains colonial census reports and not the raw census data.
To find historical data, Browse by Subject and then choose "History" or one of the subcategories. A list of data sets will be displayed. To access the data, users must apply directly to the UKDA.