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The University of Otago Library has re-designed its Subject Guides system. Please let us know what you think by filling out this survey.

Referencing / Citation Styles: CSE


CSE (Council of Science Editors) style is most commonly used in the Life Sciences.

It has 3 different citation systems:

  • Name-Year: In-text citations appear in brackets, and list the author(s) last name, and the document’s year of publication (e.g. Davies 2009). The end reference list is listed alphabetically by author last name.
  • Citation-Name: References in the reference list are organised alphabetically by author last name, and numbered according to their order in the list. This number (in superscript) is then inserted in the text when citing the document.
  • Citation-Sequence: A number (in superscript) is assigned to a document the first time it is referenced in the text, and the same number is used whenever that work is cited. The references in the reference list are listed numerically in the order in which they first appear in the text.


Check with your Department as to which system to use and if they require any variations to the system.

Note: The 9th Edition of the CSE Manual was published May 2024, check with your Department whether to use the 8th or 9th edition.

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