Most items on loan will automatically renew, however there are some exceptions! Reserve & 3day books, recalled items, theses, interloans and all items at Hocken will not automatically renew, and you will need to return these at the correct time and date, or speak to Library staff about your options.
To view your full list of loan items or to renew eligible items, select the Loans tab in My Library Account on the Library website.
This guide offers an overview of how Library Search | Ketu works, and briefly explains what information you can get from the My Library Account page, including renewing your items.
This guide offers an overview of how Library Search | Ketu works, and briefly explains the information available on the Details page, including how to request and request a scan of a book.
A step-by-step guide for distance students on how to get books sent to your home address, and how to request a partial scan of a book (within copyright guidelines of course!).