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Grey Literature

Sites for Grey Literature in Health

Once you have searched Google, the next step is to search or browse websites of specific organisations for relevant documents. Here are some suggestions to get you started.

Analysis and Policy Observatory: Policy and practice research and resources, includes selected New Zealand Governance and Policy publications. Charts, tables and source data for a range of topics, including health and social welfare. Focuses mainly on New Zealand but also includes some international data.
Health Navigator: Consumer health information about drugs, conditions and more.
Health Research Council of New Zealand: A range of publications including research outcomes.
The Hub: New Zealand government research related to education, health and wellbeing, crime and justice, children and young people, and families.
NationMaster: Worldwide statistical data, including a section on health.
NZ Nursing Research: Published and unpublished research concerned with the practice of nursing, nursing education, nursing policy or nursing management produced by the New Zealand Nurses Organisation.
NZResearch: Research outputs from New Zealand universities including theses and dissertations.
Statistics New Zealand: Statistical publications, including some on health, and other relevant topics such as housing.
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health: Evidence about the optimal use of health technologies, including drugs, diagnostic tests, and medical, dental, and surgical devices and procedures. Includes Grey Matters, a downloadable guide with lists of Canadian agencies that publish health literature.
Campbell Collaboration Library: Systematic reviews of the effects of social interventions in crime & justice, education, international development, and social welfare.
EconPapers (Research Papers in Economics): A large online collection of working papers and other materials in economics. Includes a section on health, education and welfare.
Grey Horizon (Alberta Health Services Knowledge Resource Service): A grey literature current awareness tool in cancer care, regularly updated with information about new resources.
King’s Fund: UK Health policy and services; includes both journal articles and reports. Search their catalogue or browse publications here.
HSRProj (Health Services Research Projects in Progress)
Repository of ongoing health services research and public health projects.
HSRR (Health Services and Sciences Research Resources)
Information about research datasets and instruments/indices employed in health services research, behavioural and social sciences and public health with links to PubMed.
HSRIC (Health Services Research Information Central)
Searches across a number of US government health resources.
PHPartners (Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce)
Online US public health resources.
NationMaster: Worldwide statistical data, including a section on health.
The New York Academy of Medicine Grey Literature Report: Archive of collected health services research and selected public health topics (1999-2016). Also includes a list of publishers. No longer updated.
OpenDOAR (Directory of Open Access Repositories): List of open access repositories by country, international coverage. Does not offer the ability to search across repositories.
OpenGrey: European grey literature in the areas of science, technology, biomedical science, economics, social science and humanities.
PsycEXTRA: A grey literature database relating to psychology, behavioural sciences, and health. Full-text is available for the majority of records. Can be searched through Ovid.
Think Tank search (Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government Library): A Google custom search across nearly 700 think tanks from across the world (around 300 US and 400 non-US).
TRIP: Searches both PubMed and selected grey literature sites for research evidence.
World Health Organization (WHO): Global health issues, public health, and health systems. Browse by topic, country, publication or WHO programme. There are also statistical data for a wide range of health indicators and a publications database.

Sites for Clinical Guidelines

Australian Clinical Practice Guidelines: Guidelines portal for the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE): UK national guidance, pathways, and standards. Try the evidence search across a range of authoritative sources.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN): Scottish guidelines and supporting material on selected health issues from Healthcare Improvement Scotland. Also available as an app for iPhone and Android.
CPG Infobase: Clinical Practice Guidelines: Canadian clinical practice guidelines from the Canadian Medical Association.
National Guideline Clearinghouse: From the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Summaries of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (Funding discontinued July 2018).
Health images taken from Health B by Kolton Dobie (public domain), available on Flickr.