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Searching Ovid: PsycINFO

Your PsychINFO Search Results

Scroll down to see the results of your most recent search. If you want to see the results of an earlier search line, click Display Results in the Actions column of the Search history.

PsycINFO - Display Results link

In the grey bar at the top of the list of results, there are a few different options for how much detail you see, and how many results are displayed per page:

PsycINFO - Switch abstracts off

You can filter your search results using the grey bar on the left side of the screen. For example, you can limit by date or publication type. Once you have chosen your filter(s), click Add to Search History. You can also choose various options for ordering your results using the Sort By dropdown.

For more sophisticated options, see ‘Using Limits’ below.

PsycINFO - Search filters

You can apply limits to customise a large set of search results. Popular Limits are available on the main search page, in the blue box just below the search bar. The most helpful limits here are English Language and Publication Year.

PsycINFO - Search limits


You can add a limit to a selected search line by ticking the relevant box, or selecting a date range, and then clicking Search (you do not need to type anything into the search box). The selected limit will be applied to the last line of your search by default. You can apply a limit to an earlier search line by ticking the box next to it.
Applying limits one at a time is a good strategy. This allows you to see the effect each limit has on the number of results.

PsycINFO - Limits selected search


Some of the most useful limits are found in Additional Limits. Click on the Additional Limits button at the bottom of the blue section just below the search bar.

PsycINFO - Additional limits


This will open a new page with a selection of limits available. There are limits for Age GroupsMethodology such as clinical trial or focus group, and Clinical Queries for more robust studies.
Select the search line you want to limit, the limit you want to apply, and click Limit A Search.
Applying limits one at a time will allow you to see the effect each limit has on the number of results.

PsycINFO - All additional limits


Use the Ctrl key to select more than one option from within a particular box. 

PsycINFO - Combine limits

You can print or email your results using the Print and Email icons at the top of the results display.

PsycINFO - Print and Email icons

Printing your References

  1. Select the references you want to print using the tick boxes to the left of each relevant item, or select All at the top of the list.PsycINFO - Print references
  2. Click on the Print icon.

    PsycINFO - Print icon

  3. A pop-up window will appear with a number of options to choose from:

    PsycINFO - Print options

    • Select Fields to Display according to how much detail you require for each reference.
    • Select a citation style, e.g. APA, Vancouver.
    • Include Search History if you want to include your search strategy in the document.
  4. Click the Print Preview button. Depending on your preferred browser, you will either see a pop-up with printing options, or a new tab will open with your list of references, which you can then print using Ctrl+P on your keyboard.

Emailing your References

Select the references you want to email using the tick boxes to the left of each relevant item, or select All at the top of the list.

  1. Choose the Email icon.

    PsycINFO - Email Icon

  2. A pop-up window will appear:PsycINFO - Email options
    • Type in the recipient’s address, separating multiple addresses with commas. If you are signed in, you can tick the box to also send a copy to the address associated with your account (if different).
    • You can edit the Subject and Message if you wish.
    • Select Fields to Display according to how much detail you require for each reference.
    • Select a citation style, e.g. APA, Vancouver.
    • Include Search History if you want to include your search strategy.
  3. Click the Send Email button.