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Recent articles on Quality Improvement in New Zealand

  • Audit of antimicrobial stewardship in medical inpatients in Waikato, New Zealand 2021.This link opens in a new windowJul 25, 2024

    Author Names: Wong TA,Issa M,Dyer C,Green JK,Tamatea JA,Paoloni G,Hadlow J,McGann H

    Database Source: Ovid MEDLINE(R)

    Journal Title: New Zealand Medical Journal

    Article Title: Audit of antimicrobial stewardship in medical inpatients in Waikato, New Zealand 2021.

    Year: 2023

    Issue: 1587

    Volume: 136

    Abstract: AIMS: Given the threat of rising antimicrobial resistance (AMR), 10 audit standards were selected to audit antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) in secondary care to assess guideline adherence and establish quality improvement initiatives in antimicrobial prescribing.,METHODS: Patients were included if they received intravenous (IV) antibiotics across seven medical wards in Waikato or Thames hospitals, New Zealand, in November 2021. Audit standards were defined from the regional antimicrobial prescribing policy and adult antimicrobial guidelines.,RESULTS: In total, 205 patients were audited. Microbiological sampling standards were met in 87 of 126 occasions (69.0%). Antimicrobial choices adhered to guidelines in 89 of 163 patients (54.6%), where guidelines were available. Documentation of antimicrobial indications in the medical notes and antimicrobial review at 48 to 72 hours met the standards at over 90%. Only 2 of 13 patients (15.4%) receiving piperacillin/tazobactam or a carbapenem were discussed with Infectious Diseases (ID). Documentation of indications and durations on paper-based medication charts was infrequent, around 12%. Evaluating for health equity, similar results were observed for Maori and non-Maori.,CONCLUSIONS: Our audit identified specific areas for AMS quality improvement initiatives. Regular audit should become an essential element of the New Zealand AMS strategy. We believe increased AMS resources are required. Copyright © PMA.

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