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Dentistry: Home

About this Guide

This guide brings together important key resources for Dentistry.  These include databases & journals, major reference works and other key sources. 

Different types of resources are available via the navigation bar above.

For further assistance with finding dentistry research materials, please contact Lynne Knapp, Subject Librarian for Dentistry.

Plan your search

Before you start searching the databases, it helps to take time to plan your search.

Step 1:  Clearly define the topic or research question

Step 2:  Divide the topic or question into separate key concepts

Step 3:  Select alternative search terms and synonyms for each concept

Step 4:  Consider using text word symbols such as truncation and "phrase searching"

Step 5:  Select search terms to combine using Boolean logic - AND, OR, NOT

Step 6:  Select relevant databases via the Library homepage or your Subject Guide

Step 7:  When searching a database look for subject heading options

Step 8:  Run text word searches to complement subject heading searches

Step 9:  Review the results and modify your search strategy as required

Featured Clinical Databases


A clinical reference and image tool that represents the best available evidence drawn from medical journals and systematic evidence review databases. Updated daily. Browse by topic or search by keywords. Sign in so you can 'Follow' alerts to Topic updates.

A clinical decision support tool for health professionals that provides access to the latest research evidence, guidelines and expert opinion in a single source. BMJ Best Practice includes differential diagnosis tables, treatment algorithms, videos of common clinical procedures, integrated evidence from Cochrane Clinical Answers, over 250 medical calculators and more.

CCA (via OVID or Wiley) provides a readable, digestible, clinically focused entry point to rigorous research from Cochrane systematic reviews. The content is designed to be actionable and to inform decision making at the point of care.

Featured Video Database

Dental Education in Video provides hundreds of hours of demonstrations, together with interviews and lectures, for students and faculty in dental surgery, medicine, oral hygiene, assisting, and nursing.

Services for Distance Students

Students on placement, and other postgraduates based outside of Dunedin are eligible to use the free Services for Distance Students, to receive books and articles by post or email.

For help using Library resources and searching the research literature, please contact your Subject Librarian, Lynne Knapp.

Library Kaiāwhina

Library Kaiāwhina are here to support tauira Māori across the University of Otago Libraries.  Find out who they are.