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Entrepreneurship: Journals & Article Databases

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Article Link

If an article is not available in full-text in a database, click Article Link to automatically search other databases the Library subscribes to. 

You may see Article Link represented as:            

           or      Otago Article Link

If the article you need is not online...

CCH IntelliConnect Law Database

CCH Intelliconnect

Leading publisher of accounting, legal and business resources:

  • Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law
  • Business Law
  • Conveyancing and Property Law
  • Tax

Evaluation Tools

 Evaluation tools can help guide you in thinking critically about your information sources. Are the sources you  have gathered relevant, appropriate, and authoritative? The evaluation tools can also help you articulate what  are sometimes instinctive decisions.

Rauru Whakarare is a kaupapa Māori framework based on five strands woven together with whakapapa at the centre. This framework was developed by Massey University staff and is useful for evaluating all types of information including academic and non-academic sources, online and print material. The five strands are:

  • Whakapapa (The Background)
  • Māramatanga (The Content)
  • Aronga (The Lens)
  • Orokohanga (The Origins)
  • Mana (The Authority)

Use the acronym BADURL to assess online sources:

B ... Bias
A ... Authority
D ... Date
U ... URL
R ... Relevance
L ... Links

The CRAPP Test is designed for assessing online information for academic purposes. The tutorial is quick and informative.




            Purpose/Point of view

Another quick tutorial to develop your evaluation skills. The SIFT approach is particularly useful for assessing media sources online.


Investigate the Source

Find Better Coverage

Trace Claims, Quotes and Media to the Original Context