Maps based on statistics are often found within atlases, topographical or subject based.
StatsMaps - visualise changes in our society, economy and environment through maps.
See latest releases from the 2013 Census.
Statistics NZ data service prototype - provides an easy-to-use platform to search, browse, and download the 2016 geographic boundaries.
Features include:
Census Meshblock Data - contains counts starting at the meshblock level for selected variables from the 2013, 2006, and 2001 Census of Population and Dwellings, corresponding to 2013 Census boundaries. These counts are at the highest level of each variable’s classification. The dataset also contains counts for area units, wards, territorial authorities, and regional council areas. Download the data to Excel or CSV.
2006 Census data is presented visually as a series of maps, e.g. ethnicity, family, work ...
Statistics New Zealand uses a defined system of boundaries for analysis of data it collects.
Statistics collected by other agencies are often based upon different administrative areas, e.g. Employment Districts. At a regional level statistics based on Statistics New Zealand boundaries cannot always be compared with other social and economic data.
Until the 1920s few administrative maps were available. Time series of data by consistent geographical areas are seldom possible for anything smaller than provincial districts.
Maps appear in some Census volumes.
Electorate Boundaries - explore the 2014 boundaries for General and Maori electorates
Geographic Boundary Viewer - zoom in or search for a location based on the 2006 Census boundaries
The 2018 annual Geographic boundary files, used in mapping and geographic information systems (GIS) - download from Stats NZ’s Datafinder from 7 Dec 2017.
Set of maps of statistical boundaries. 3rd ed. New Zealand. Dept. of Statistics. Central Library Atlases G 2796.F7 N35 1981
Atlas of New Zealand boundaries - Brian Marshall - Central Library Atlases G 2796.F7 M37 1986; also at Hocken & Science. Covers organisational, administrative, territorial and statistical boundaries both official and unofficial throughout New Zealand's history. (2nd ed. 1996 reflects restructured organisations, renaming and subsequent changes to some regional boundaries)
Atlas of New Zealand regional statistics. New Zealand. Ministry of Works. 1968. Central Library Atlases G2796.F7 N4 1968