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NZ Statistics: Introduction

Find statistical information and data from historic to current, using databases, online data sources and publications


  Welcome to the New Zealand Statistics Subject Guide.

  Find relevant statistical resources for your research.

  Researchers in the humanities, social sciences, commerce, health sciences and sciences will want to explore this guide.

Where to start looking ...

This guide offers links to key print and online statistical sources.

Do you need :

  • historical or current statistics
  • long term series of statistics
  • census information
  • tools that help you visualise statistics
  • maps & atlases
  • NZ statistics compared with International

Check out the guide tabs.

Consult your Subject Librarian for help with locating and using statistics.

What's New?

NZ.Stat is being retired 13 September 2024, and replaced with Aotearoa Data Explorer from 29 July 2024.

Te Whata - Iwi Data Platform

Electorate Profiles 2020. Find historical electorate profiles here.

How Stats NZ supports and empowers government to use data more effectively - short video series (May 2019)

2018 annual Geographic boundary files (.zip), used in mapping and GIS, plus Meshblock files available from Stats NZ’s Datafinder on 7 December 2017.

NZ Police Data - new website launched Nov 30 2016

Mashblock - stats on every block; see what real estate agents know about your block!

StatsMapsvisualise our society, economy and environment through maps

Integrated Data Infrastructure - remote access to longitudinal datasets

DataInfo+ - search/browse for information about statistical activities and data - non-profit organisation making data about NZ accessible for everyone - search by keyword, filters or tags

Greater access to Microdata:

Parliament has amended sections of the Statistics Act 1975 to provide wider access to Statistics NZ microdata (unit record files of individuals and businesses). Anyone who has a statistical or bone fide research proposal can now apply for access to microdata.

Enquire at or phone 04 931 4253, or visit access our microdata.

2018 Census data is available 

2018 Census – real data about real people provides an update on how we’ve created the 2018 Census dataset, initial commentary on data quality, and content released on 23 September 2019.

A tutorial video has been developed to showcase how to use key 2018 Census tools and products. The tutorial covers the following: 

  • Geographic Boundary Viewer 
  • Place Summaries 
  • the 2018 Census map gallery 
  • NZ.Stat.

Statistics New Zealand

            Free search for official New Zealand statistics on the Census, Business, Education, Agriculture, Households, Industry and much more.

 Phone 0508 525 525 for Mon-Fri Help Desk support.


Subscribe to product or topic based information releases.

Statistics for your research

Access to various types and levels of data for your research includes: 

  • Customised data

  • Aggregate data

  • Microdata

  • SURFs - for research teaching

  • CURFs

Contact the Statistics NZ HelpDesk on 0508 525 525 or our Library Research Support Unit,

Official statistics

Check government departments and crown entities for official statistics.

Statisphere - New Zealand's new official statistics portal, links to Statistics NZ and other agencies, under development

Statistical publications

Government publications are kept on the Central Library first floor area at the end of the Journals Collection.

Check Library Search as some titles are also housed in the Hocken Collections, or other library locations. Since 2000 many former titles in print are now available, or continue online.

Try a Subject search using 'statistics' as a subject keyword:
      tourism arrival new zealand statistics
      education new zealand statistics
      transport new zealand statistics

Alternatively use an Advanced Keyword search. Enter the topic keywords, as well as the word 'statistics' as a Subject heading. 

Standard classification guides

To enable international comparisons to be made, industrial, occupational and trade statistics are now organised by classification schedules based on those prepared by the United Nations.

A guide to New Zealand standard statistical classifications 1991 - Central Library Books HA 3184 .NH33

New Zealand standard classification of occupations - Hocken and Storage Central Library Books HB 2782.5 .NH33

Australian and New Zealand standard industrial classification: NZ version 2006. ANZSIC classifies all economic activity from manufacturing to public administration - Online or Central Library Books HC 662 .AX646 2006

Australian and New Zealand standard classification of occupations, v1.2 (2013) and ebook


Creative Commons Licence
This work in this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.