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Digital Humanities: Curation & Preservation

This guide supports Digital Humanities scholarship & practice at the University of Otago, by connecting people to the methods & tools, projects & other people transforming humanities scholarship in the digital realm

Getting Started

Online exhibitions
Data curation & preservation

Do More

Curate & exhibit image and text
Curate & preserve Data

Learn More

What is Digital Curation? | DigCurV

A 2013 video produced by DigCurV that invites leading experts in the curation and preservation of digital objects (including databases, photos, videos, websites, etc) discuss what exactly is digital curation, and why it matters to everybody. DigCurV is a project funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme to develop a curriculum framework for training in Digital Curation.

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We want your feedback!

This guide continues to evolve, and we really welcome your feedback so we can continue to improve it. Please let us know if you find:

  • Incorrect or irrelevant details, tools that don't work, dead links or otherwise unhelpful information
  • Helpful details, tools, links or information that you think need to be on the guide, but aren't currently.

We'd also love to hear from you if you want to have your project featured on the guide, or would like to be profiled on the Connect&Collaborate@Otago page. Email Alexander Ritchie, with any comments or suggestions on how we can improve it.

Viva Digital Humanities!