This guide will help you find relevant databases, books, journals, websites and specialist resources for your research in nursing. This guide supports the postgraduate nursing programme taught from University of Otago Christchurch, but is is mainly intended for Otago and Southland-based students.
Please explore the tabs along the top for tips on finding specific types of resources. You can also make an appointment to see us, your subject specialist librarians, if you'd like some support with your research. The guide is always a work in progress, so we welcome suggestions for additional content.
This toolkit has been developed to support Nursing and Allied Health teams with research utilising ClinicalKey for Nursing. ClinicalKey for Nursing is more than eBooks, Journals and Clinical Overviews and contains information on guidelines, clinical trials and Mosby’s Evidence Based Nursing Monographs. Here we are sharing some of the top content** across research to support your Nursing and Allied Health Teams.
ClinicalKey for Nursing: Research Toolkit
As part of the reflection of Matariki, this Elsevier toolkit focuses on addressing health disparities among Māori, Pacific Islanders, and all New Zealanders.
ClinicalKey for Nursing: Māori and Pacific Islands Health toolkit
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.