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Pharmacology and Toxicology: Home

Your toolkit guide to recommended resources for Pharmacology and Toxicology

The Pharmacology & Toxicology Subject Guide

Designed to be useful, relevant and user-friendly, this guide will provide you with access to a range of key library and information resources to aid your studies/research in Pharmacology & Toxicology. You can navigate this guide using the tabs across the top:

Journals & Databases    Books   Referencing & Writing   Multimedia Resources    Postgrad Research    Websites

The majority of the print Pharmacology & Toxicology resources can be found in the Health Sciences Library located opposite Dunedin Hospital in the Sayers Building.

For further assistance with your research, please feel free to make an appointment to see the Pharmacology & Toxicology Subject Librarian - Thelma Fisher

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Plan your search

Before you start searching the databases, it helps to take time to plan your search.

Step 1:  Clearly define the topic or research question

Step 2:  Divide the topic or question into separate key concepts

Step 3:  Select alternative search terms and synonyms for each concept

Step 4:  Consider using text word symbols such as truncation and "phrase searching"

Step 5:  Select search terms to combine using Boolean logic - AND, OR, NOT

Step 6:  Select relevant databases via the Library homepage or your Subject Guide

Step 7:  When searching a database look for subject heading options

Step 8:  Run text word searches to complement subject heading searches

Step 9:  Review the results and modify your search strategy as required

Featured Resource: British Pharmacopoeia

British Pharmacopoeia logo

The BP is a vital online reference tool for all individuals and organisations involved in pharmaceutical research, development, manufacture, quality control and analysis. Content from BP 2014- is included.