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Searching Ovid: Medline

This is your Medline Search Page

Medline looks different from some of the other databases and search engines you may be used to, but it has some great features for searching.

You can create searches line by line and then combine them to create a powerful search strategy. The search bar that you use to type in your search terms is in the centre of the screen.

The search history is a list of the different searches that you have conducted, and appears at the top of the screen. When you do a search, the results appear at the bottom of the screen.

Medline search page

This guide will focus on how to use Advanced Search mode, but there are other types of search, which you can explore by clicking on the different options above the search bar:

Medline search options
  • Basic Search allows you to do a quick, simple search using natural language (see our basic search guide).
  • You can use Find Citation if you are looking for a specific reference.
  • Search Tools helps you look for specific subject headings.
  • Search Fields: see Searching with Keywords for more information on how to use these.
  • Multi-Field Search allows you to use multiple search boxes to combine search terms. We recommend using Advanced Search rather than Multi-Field Search.