Your references can be organised into folders to group them into meaningful categories and to allow for easy navigation.
To create a new folder, follow the steps below:
In the My Library pane on the left, click on Create Folder.
Type in your folder name and press Enter on your keyboard.
Your folder will then be created and listed under the My Library folders.
You can then drag and drop references into their relevant folders.
Click on the Unsorted folder to list all references that have yet to be assigned to a folder.
If you delete a reference from one of your folders, the reference will only be removed from that folder, but will still remain within your library.
If you delete a reference from the main library, the record will also be deleted from any folders you have filed it under.
You can choose how your references appear in the main documents window.
To list your references as a table, go to the View menu and select Library as Table. This viewing option lists the references in columns for authors, title, year, journal, and date added. You can then click on the column titles to sort the references by that column. For example, click on the Authors column title to sort your references by author.
To view your references as citations, go to the View menu and select Library as Citations. This viewing option lists your references as your chosen citation style.
To change your citation style, go to the View menu, then the Citation Style submenu and select your preferred citation style from the list. If the citation style you are looking for does not appear in the list, select More Styles... to search for the citation style you want.