Here are some things that we can help you with when you’re coming to the mid-point of your PhD.
At this stage, you may want to increase your visibility as an academic researcher. There are some easy tools for this, including ORCID ID and Google Scholar Profile. These will help you to pull together all your academic publications so that they can be found by others.
An ORCID ID, or Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a unique identifier associated with your name, which can be connected to your publications. It is very quick and easy to register for an ORCID ID, and you can do so here: ORCID.
If you have existing publications and want to attach them to your ORCID ID, follow this quick guide: Add works to your ORCID record.
This resource from Thomson Reuters is another way to bring together all your publications, as well as tracking your citations and h-index. You can also connect your ORCID ID. If you have an account with EndNote or Web of Science, you can use the same credentials to log in. Go here to sign up: ResearcherID.
You can create a new Google Account or use one that you already have to create a Google Scholar Profile, which also allows you to add and edit your publication details. To do this, go to My profile on the Google Scholar homepage, and follow the instructions to set up your profile.
Come and chat to us if you’d like a hand learning to use any of these tools.
At this point you might be thinking about writing papers for publication. How do you know which journal to submit papers to? Take a look at these Otago guides which have some good tips to consider when thinking about publishing:
It’s important to keep thinking about the literature and monitor what is being published in your area of interest. If you haven’t already set up search alerts, now is a good time to do so. The reference team are more than happy to help you with this.
If you are doing research as part of a research group, or are involved in some extra academic work part-time, you might need to use reference management software in a collaborative way. Check out our guide to collaborating with EndNote (Currently under development).
If you are doing quantitative research, you may want some tips on how to collate, store and enable re-use of your data. Here is a guide that you might find useful: Managing Your Research Data.
The University of Otago also has a Data Management Planning Tool, which you can check out here: Data Management Planning tool.