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Geography (Physical): Primary and Secondary sources

Primary and Secondary sources

Primary sources

Primary sources are original sources of information, typically created at the time of the events or individual being researched.

Examples of primary sources:

  • Survey results
  • Original research  (published and/or presented, e.g. at  aconference).
  • Original data - data collected at particular time, during an expriment or over a specified period: census data, climate data, vegetation survey or economic statistics
  • Minutes of a meeting
  • Photographs, video, or audio that capture an event
  • Newspaper reports, by reporters who witnessed an event or who quote people who did
  • Laws and parliamentary debates (Hansard)
  • Speeches, diaries, letters, and interviews - what the people involved said or wrote
  • Art, political cartoons, or literature from the time period
  • Laboratory notes about an experiment as it is being conucted
  • Field work notes as research is being conducted
  • Technical Reports
  • Patents


Secondary sources

Secondary sources add a layer of interpretation and analysis to primary sources, and are usually written after the time period being examined. 

Examples of Secondary sources:

  • Academic journal articles that are reviewing other research (sometimes referred to as, literature reviews, systematic reviews, scoping reviews, meta-analysis)
  • Magazine articles
  • Scholarly / academic books and textbooks  - these often explain the theories and conepts of a disclipine and utilises academic literature and accounts of real life events as case studies.  Most books in the LIbrary collections fare secondary sources.
  • Encyclopedia entries
  • Documentaries 
  • Film reviews and book reviews
  • Newspaper articles or interviews that discuss/analyse/prcovide an opinion on an event or person after the fact (e.g. a historical event).
  • Biographies

You can find an abundance on secondary sources using Library Search Ketu and Google Scholar

Some databases or sites with primary sources