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The University of Otago Library has re-designed its Subject Guides system. Please let us know what you think by filling out this survey.

Psychological Medicine: Postgrad Research

Citation databases

If you find a great article on your topic, you can use a citation database to track down related articles. 

Theses & Dissertations

The Thesis Information guide pulls together University regulations, procedures, resources and sources of support for you to refer to as you undertake your thesis journey. This guide offers useful advice and support for stages in the process. Browse the guide for:

  • planning
  • finding information
  • reviewing the literature
  • copyright
  • writing
  • formatting
  • binding
  • submitting
  • depositing
  • publishing
  • support

Remember to revisit the guide often for simple to technical answers, and which support services to consult.


Conference papers are an excellent source of current research, best practices and new innovations in a research area.