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Postgraduate Introduction to Library Services and Resources: A - D

This guide contains information on library services and resources of interest to postgraduate students.


Keeping up to date with new research is important.  E-mail alerts can help you do this.  Set up an alert in a database for an author, journal, or set of search terms.  When new material is added that matches your alert you will be e-mailed.  

Article Databases

Databases are an important tool for research.  Most databases allow you to search for journal articles on your topic using a variety of different options including keyword, subject headings, title and author searches.  Some databases also contain conference proceedings, e-books, newspaper articles, graphics and images.  

Article Link

Article Link is available in many databases including Google Scholar if you log in via the Article Databases Index or a Subject Guide.  It is usually represented by this image or words like "Otago Article Link".  When you find a citation to an article in a database, but no full-text, this tool will link you through to the full-text if it is available in another database.  

Citation Indexes

Citation indexes are adatabases that allow you to easily search for citations to specific authors and articles.  Some also provide citations to books and book chapters.  Use the citations to find more recent literature on the same topic, as well as literature being published in different disciplines.  Citations are also a useful measure of an article, book or author’s scholarly impact.  

Citation Styles

When your supervisor talks about Vancouver, Harvard or Chicago, they are probably not referring to their last holiday.  These are three common citation styles as are APA, ACS and MLA.  Correct use of a citation style helps avoid plagiarism.  Not all sources are easy to cite, especially those that are electronic, unpublished or just plain unusual.  The Library’s citation styles page points you towards books and trustworthy websites and manuals that can help.

Data Management Plan

Good data management practices can help to:

  • Ensure data remains complete, reliable, accurate, and retrievable
  • Support data analysis and re-use
  • Minimise data loss and duplication
  • Enable tracking of data from collection to results
  • Provide data security and prepare for long-term preservation
  • Facilitate future access to and use of data.

Distance Students Home Delivery Service

Have books posted to you at no charge.  Have articles scanned and e-mailed to you at no charge.  Contact the Library for research assistance using the 0800 number.  Any student enrolled in a distance course or paper is automatically eligible to use the home delivery. Students living outside Dunedin can also apply to use this Service.