NZ Legislation - This site contains offical versions of Acts (from 1934), Bills and Legislative Instruments (formerly Regulations)
New Zealand Acts As Enacted - is a database of Acts as originally enacted, provided by the Parliamentary Counsel Office and hosted by NZLII, the New Zealand Legal Information Institute
WestlawNZ - for New Zealand Acts and Secondary Legislation, with links to relevant case law and analysis
Lexis Advance - for New Zealand Acts and Secondary Legislation, with links to relevant case law and analysis
Early New Zealand Statutes - This collection of assent versions of New Zealand ordinances and statutes covers 100 consecutive years of New Zealand law-making from 1841-1940. It comprises Ordinances 1841-1854, Acts of Parliament 1854-1940, Auckland Provincial Acts 1853-1876 and Reprinted Statutes 1908.
Statutes of New Zealand 1854+ - in print at Law Library KG 316
Parliament Bills before the House; 1960+ Bills shelved before the statutes - Law Library KG 312
Older Bills are available at Hocken Collections: New Zealand Parliamentary Bills, 1892-
Legislative Instruments - formerly Statutory Regulations. 1936/37+ shelved following Statutes - Law Library KG 321
Supplementary Order Papers (SOPs) set out printed amendments to a bill. - Law Library KG 310
Laws of New Zealand - e-encyclopedia about New Zealand law topics
Glossary - explains how terms are used with legislation
(Note: submissions to and documents of select committees are not usually printed and are only available for consultation at Parliament.
New Zealand Parliamentary Debates or Hansards 2003+