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NZ Parliament: Parliamentary Publications

Parliamentary Publications


These sites contain useful information:

Journals & Appendices

Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives 1858+ - Law Library - 9th floor, KG 310.5

  • Known as A to Js or AJHR. (The House of Representatives is Parliament's official name)
  • Contain many annual reports of government departments and agencies, treaties & other important official papers e.g. the Budget
  • Appendices are classified by letters (A to I) and numbers ("shoulder numbers" ) which tend to remain the same from session to session eg: the Budget is always B6, the Education Dept. Annual report is E1
  • To find the appropriate "shoulder number" for a paper consult the index at the back of any bound set of Appendices
  • Annual Reports not in the AJHR - search NZ Government individual department webpages

Historical AtoJs online  1858-1950, also including Votes and Proceedings 1854-1856.

Journals of the House of Representatives 1858+ -- Law Library - 9th floor, KG 310.5

  • The formal record or minutes of Parliament
  • Useful schedules are included, e.g. "Schedule of papers", "Schedule of select committees" and "Schedule of public bills"

Journals of the House of Representatives 2006+

Journal of the House of Representatives 2008+ - cumulative current year and sessional indexes

Reference Books