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NZ Parliament: NZ Parliament

Parliamentary Business

New Zealand Parliament

Information about our Parliament, our MPs, parties, electorates, parliamentary business and support.

Members of Parliament

Parliamentary parties - National, Labour, Green, NZ First, ACT, Maori, United Future, Mana

Electorate profiles - includes election results, statistics about people, households and industries, and maps

Members of Parliament includes lists of current and former members, a biography page for each member, current members’ contact details and details of parliamentary friendship groups.

* Current MPs                                   * Former MPs                              
* Contact Lists    * House Seating Plan
* MPs' pay and entitlements * MPs' expenses
* MPs" financial interests  * Parliamentary publicity

Make a Submission to Parliament

Papers & Petitions

Parliamentary Papers

  • The Office of the Clerk of the House web site has parliamentary papers presented to the House and ordered to be published during the parliament


  • Documents addressed to the House of Representatives and signed by at least one person. The House is asked to act on a matter of public policy or law, or to put right a local or private concern. When a petition has been presented to the House, it is referred to a select committee for consideration and report.

Get Involved. Have your say

If you want to have a say in relation to Parliament, or a parliamentary committee has asked for your views, there are formal ways to do this. The ways in which you can contribute to parliamentary work are set out here:

* Vote in elections

* Contact an MP

* How to make a submission

* Prepare a petition

* Challenge a regulation

* Seek a referendum

* Stand for Parliament

NZ Parliament on YouTube

Find out about all things Parliament through the medium of video. I recommend "How Laws are Made", and "Select committees 101"

what is parliament             select committees 101

How Laws Are Made                                                                       Select committees 101


Parliament on Demand

Parliament On Demand provides live and recorded broadcasts from the House of Representatives. It is available with a choice of audio as a webcast and on the following digital television channels:

  • Freeview 22
  • Igloo 25
  • Sky 86
  • Vodafone 86

Question time is replayed each day at 6pm and 10pm.