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Pharmacy: Books

E-Reference Books

Try one of our online reference books - a great starting point for your research, or check Library Search for ebooks on your search terms.

Many ebooks for Pharmacy are available from Access Pharmacy and ClinicalKey.

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We don't have the book? Try our Interloan service

Is the book you want not available at Otago?

Use the Interloan Service. We'll find another library that has it and borrow it for you - just fill out the Interloan Service request form.

ULANZ - Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement

University Libraries of Australia and New Zealand (ULANZ) is a borrowing scheme that allows staff and students of Australian and New Zealand universities* to borrow in person from any other participating university library.

ULANZ allows borrowing in person by registered users. 

*EXCEPT for The University of Auckland.

New Zealand Pharmaceutical Schedule

The New Zealand Pharmaceutical Schedule (the "Schedule") is a list of the approximately 2000 prescription medicines and therapeutic products subsidised by the Government. The Schedule is published three times a year and updated monthly.