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Searching CINAHL

Selecting, Exporting, Printing or Emailing References With CINAHL

To print, email or export articles of interest, begin by clicking on the folder icon to the right of each relevant reference to select it:


On the right hand side panel, the items you have selected will be building up in the folder.
To see the items in the folder click on the Folder View link.

Folder view example

From the folder you can then print, email, or save your selections using the options on the right.

Print, e-mail, save, and export options example

Export to EndNote and Mendeley

If you are using EndNote or Mendeley, select the Export icon.
Make sure the RIS Format is selected, and then click the Save button.

Export for EndNote or Medeley example

Bulk Export

To export all of your search results at once (if, for example, you are doing a systematic review):

  1. On the results page, click Share, and then select E-mail a link to download exported results.
  2. CINAHL - Export all results example
  3. Enter your email address.
  4. Select from the list of formats on the right (select RIS Format if you are using EndNote or Mendeley.)
  5. Click the Send button.
    Cinahl - Record export email settings example