EndNote's Cite While You Write (CWYW) allows you to work between EndNote and Word to insert citations into your document(s) at any time during your writing process.
CWYW automatically builds a reference list from the citations you insert, and will automatically update the bibliography (reference list) to reflect changes you may make later.
You will find the commands you need to do this in the EndNote X9 toolbar in Word. If the EndNote X9 toolbar does not appear automatically, contact us for help.
In order to insert one or more citations from your EndNote library into a document, both the EndNote library and the document need to be open.
If the style you want to present your document in will be an Author-Date style, e.g. APA 6th, you may need to add a space.
If you will be using a numbered style, e.g. Vancouver, do not add a space.
As it is easy to change between citation styles in EndNote, it may be easier to use an Author-Date style like APA 6th while you are writing so you can easily see which citations go where. When you change styles, EndNote will automatically update the in-text citations and bibliography.
If your eventual style will be a Numbered style like Vancouver, remember not to add a space before you insert the reference.
Font, size and spacing settings for the bibliography (references list) are independent of the Word document settings. Edit these using the Layout tab of Configure Bibliography which you can find in the Bibliography section of the EndNote X9 tab.
If you edit a reference in your EndNote library subsequent to inserting it in your document (e.g. to correct a typo, or add missing details), just click Update Citations and Bibliography in the Bibliography section of the EndNote X9 toolbar in Word, and the changes you have made will appear in your document also.
To effectively delete a reference from the document (and bibliography) you must use EndNote's Remove Citation function rather than relying on Word's delete function. This will ensure that the reference is completely removed, and EndNote will automatically check the bibliography and remove the reference only if that was the only use of it in your document.
To delete a reference:
EndNote’s default display setting for Author-Date styles like APA 6th is to include both the author name(s) and the date in brackets, e.g. (Example-name, 2019).
In some instances, you might want to omit the author name(s) or the date if that information appears in the text nearby, e.g.
Harris and colleagues (2015) finally established that ...
In 1981 a cohort study which formed part of the Christchurch Child Development Study (Fergusson et al.) found that ...
and sometimes citations for books or reports will require you to add page numbers, e.g.
Durie (1998, pp. 60-65) argues the case for ...
To make these amendments:
EndNote references in your document contain code. If you submit a code-rich document which becomes corrupted, the person who is marking or editing your work will not be able to see the impeccable referencing that you have worked so hard on.
For this reason we recommend that you create a duplicate document with no code to submit, i.e. you will end up with your original document containing the EndNote code which you may need later if changes are required, plus a new document with no code.
These documents must have different names. Using the same name as the previous document will overwrite it and you will lose all your EndNote coding – we strongly recommend you do not do this.
To safely create a code-free duplicate copy: