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Finding Full Text

Find Documents using Google Scholar

You can set up Google Scholar to link directly to the full text of an article, or use the link on our databases page which has these settings by default.

  1. You should see some Wellington Article links (UOW) or CCDBH Article links (Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast) to the right of the results when searching. These are for items that are available to you through the Wellington Medical and Health Sciences Library’s collections.
  2. Clicking on Wellington Article link / CCDHB Article link should take you directly to the full text of the article.
    Finding Full Text - Google Scholar link

If you do not see any of the relevant links when searching Google Scholar, you may need to set up your browser manually to include them.

Setting up Library Article links manually

  1. Go to the Google Scholar home page and click the menu button at the top left of the page. (You will also find this button in the same location on your results screen).
    Finding Full Text - Google Scholar menu
  2. This will open a new menu. Choose Settings.

    Google Scholar Navigation Image

  3. From the menu on the following page, click on Library links.
    Finding Full Text - Google Scholar library links
  4. Search for Otago/CCDHB as appropriate. This will give you a list of available options. Tick the box for the relevant option and click the Save button.
    Finding Full Text - Google Scholar university search
  5. You will now see Wellington/CCDHB Article links whenever you search with Google Scholar on your preferred browser.


Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast users need to access Google Scholar through Citrix to get CCDHB Article Links.
UOW users need to be on campus or logged in for Wellington Article links to work.