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Finding Full Text

Find Documents using Library Search | Ketu

You can search Library Search | Ketu from our home page.

  1. The easiest way to find an article is usually to type or copy and paste its title into the search bar on the library home page.
    Finding Full Text - Wellington Medical Library home page search
  2. If the item is available, it will normally show up as the top result in the list. Occasionally there will be items with the same or similar titles. In this case, make sure you check the author names and other details to ensure you get the correct document.
    Check out the icons to know whether an item is peer reviewed: Finding Full Text - Peer Reviewed icon
    Or freely available online (open access): Finding Full Text - Open Access icon
  3. Click on View details.
    Finding Full Text - View Details
  4. In the View online section of the next screen, click on one of the blue hyperlinks to access the article. If there is more than one option, check the information underneath the hyperlink. This will tell you whether that option covers the relevant year for the article you want.
    Finding Full Text - View Online
  5. This should take you directly to the article page on the publisher’s website, where you can usually read on screen or download a PDF copy.

Check out our Ketu guide for more advanced searching techniques and tips on finding different types of resources.