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Simple Search Techniques

  1. Enter your search term(s) in the search box. Keep the search simple, one word only per concept, e.g. gait rehabilitation hemiparesis
    avoid the auto-complete list, and use neither punctuation nor truncation. 
  2. Click Search:
    PubMed - Begin Search

Navigating Around the Page


At any time during your searching, you can click on the PubMed logo icon to return to the original search page. You may need to click on the Advanced link to see your previous searches in History: just click on the number in the Results column to see the results.


In the left-hand column are filters (or limits) you can use to refine the results.

  1. Click on Additional filters to add useful filter groups like Languages and Ages, then click the Show button. You can select more than one option and PubMed will search for them all inclusively.
  2. Customise the options within the filter groups to show those most useful to you by clicking on Customize....
    You can select more than one option and PubMed will search for them all inclusively.

    PubMed - Additional filters

The search results are displayed in Summary (brief) format, in sets of 10 per page, and ordered by best match. You can change your results to be sorted instead by most recent by using the Sort by dropdown. Use the Display options dropdown to choose to display abstracts and show up to 200 results per page.

PubMed - Central panel - Result viewing options