f the results you see look good, select the ones that look the most useful by ticking the box next to them. Switch between the Most Recent and Best Match display modes, selecting records and using Send to to save records you have ticked to the Clipboard as you go.
Once you have sent records to the Clipboard, you can view them in the Clipboard link under the Search bar. You can lodge up to 500 items in Clipboard. Items saved in the Clipboard will remain there for 8 hours (unless you are signed in to a personal PubMed account). Items saved to Clipboard from different tabs in the same browser will be transferred between tabs: just refresh the screen to see them.
Because PubMed has the Clipboard function, it can be easier and more effective to try a few different sets of search terms, moving the best results to Clipboard as you go, than to try to craft a complex search strategy for a topic where there is a lot of variation in the terminology used.
Think about how the terms you have used are represented in the search, and decide which are your foreground (most important – the words you will really look for) and which your background terms.
You can use MeSH terms and specific field searching to represent this in your search:
Remember to right-click and choose Open link in new tab.
If that does not work, ask for help.