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Managing What You Find in PubMed

To print from either the results page or from ClipBoard use Ctrl P. You can adjust the Display Options button to include abstracts.

To email from either the results page or from ClipBoard use the Email button. You can change the Format to include abstracts.


  1. In the Send to pop-up box, select Citation manager and click the Create File button. The next screen will vary depending on your browser and your settings. In Chrome, in the Downloads area of your PubMed browser window, double click the temporary file name pubmed-xxxx.nbib, OR click the ^ then choose Open.PubMed - Send to citation manager

PubMed does not offer a quick link to Otago holdings using Article Link.

Most recent citations in PubMed do contain a pictorial link to the publisher’s website, which may link you to full text of the article.
You can see this link if you:

  • work in Abstract format,PubMed - Publisher link
  • or if you open any result in a new tab.PubMed - Publisher link


If you do not get to full text via PubMed links, it may still be available via another route (see the Finding Full Text guide).