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Library Services for Researchers

Finding and Managing Literature

Literature Search Service

If you need to undertake a literature search as part of your research activities but don’t have the time or confidence to do it yourself, you can use our literature search service. One of our trained reference librarians will undertake the search for you and send you the results within two to three weeks (or sooner if the request is urgent and the team has capacity). Results can be sent to you as a Word document and/or an EndNote library.

Please note this service is only available to UOW staff. We do not conduct literature searches for students, but we are happy to give training on search techniques and using particular databases.

While we are happy to help you formulate search strategies for systematic reviews and talk you through the process, we do not undertake systematic reviews for staff.

One-to-One Training

If you prefer to conduct your own literature searches, we can help with that too. Contact us to arrange a one-to-one session on search techniques, specific databases, or an introduction to reference management software.

Current Awareness Alerts

We can help you stay on top of the latest literature in your field by setting up alerts. These can either be Table of Contents alerts for relevant journals or Subject alerts (new results from saved searches in particular databases). Make an appointment to come in and see us and we can walk you through the process.

We support EndNote and Mendeley reference managament software packages. Whether you are starting from scratch and would like to book a training session, or you are having problems and you need help with troubleshooting, we will do our best to help you out, send us an email on


EndNote is available on staff machines, and you can apply to ITS to enable you to use it at home for work purposes.

EndNote has a number of useful features including options for group working.

Check out our online guides:


Mendeley is part of the Elsevier group, so if you have an account with Scopus you can use that to log into Mendeley. Once you have set up an account you can download the Mendeley desktop or mobile app for iPhone and Android. These are free to download from Mendeley.

Check out our online guides: