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Library Services for Researchers

Visibility and Impact

Use the tools in this section to help you keep track of the impact of your research. Come and chat to us if you’d like a hand learning to use any of them.

An ORCID ID, or Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a unique identifier associated with your name, which can be connected to your publications. It is very quick and easy to register for an ORCID ID, and you can do so here: ORCID.
If you have existing publications and want to attach them to your ORCID ID, follow this quick guide: Add works to your ORCID record.

As an academic staff member, you can also be authenticated through the ORCID Hub. This means that your connection with the University of Otago is formally recognised on the ORCID platform in your public profile.
To authenticate your existing ORCID ID:

  1. Go to ORCID Hub.
  2. Click log in on the top right corner.NZ ORCID Login
  3. You will then see a pop-up with two options. Click the Login via Tuakiri button.NZ ORCID Login via Tuakiri
  4. On the next screen, select University of Otago from the list on the right and then click the Select button.NZ ORCID Login - Select organisation
  5. You will then be asked to log in using your University of Otago credentials.Enter UofO credentials
  6. Once you have done this you will be authenticated as a staff member at the University of Otago via the ORCID Hub.

If you have any questions about ORCID IDs or the ORCID Hub, please get in touch with us and we’ll help you out.

  1. From our database page, go to Scopus.
  2. Select the Authors tab.

    Scopus - Author tab

  3. You can search using your first name, surname, organisational affiliation or ORCID ID.Scopus Author Search
  4. The next page will be a results screen with all matching authors.   
  5. Find your name in the list of results, click on the name to view the record.Scopus - View Author
  6. This will take you to the Author page. Your author ID can be found on this page, underneath your institutional affiliation.Scopus - Author page

    Note that in the example above, the record also includes the author’s ORCID ID. To connect your Scopus ID to your ORCID ID, click on Add to ORCID and follow the instructions to connect the two IDs.


This resource from Thomson Reuters is another way to bring together all your publications, as well as tracking your citations and h-index. You can also connect your ORCID ID. If you have an account with EndNote or Web of Science, you can use the same credentials to log in. Go here to sign up: ResearcherID.

Google Scholar Profile

You can create a new Google Account or use one that you already have to create a Google Scholar Profile, which also allows you to add and edit your publication details. To do this, go to My profile on the Google Scholar homepage, and follow the instructions to set up your profile.

Google Scholar


If you want to look at the impact your research is making from a different angle, you can look at Altmetrics. This measure keeps track of social media mentions of research outputs across a range of platforms. You can find out more about Altmetrics at Altmetric for Researchers.