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The University of Otago Library has re-designed its Subject Guides system. Please let us know what you think by filling out this survey.

Library Services for Researchers

What we can do for Your Students

If you are working with or supervising students, they may need help from the library from time to time. If students need help with any of the following issues, you can recommend to them that they come and see us:

Literature Search Help

We do not conduct literature searches for students, but we can provide training on how to use particular databases or the search process in general. We can discuss their individual search needs and which terms might work best for their topic.

Reference Management Software Help

The library also supports students in the use of reference management software. We currently support EndNote and Mendeley and can provide one on one training sessions or help with trouble-shooting either of these packages.

Study Space

The library offers some great options for students looking for a place to study. We have study desks with access to power sockets and PCs for student use, study carrels and informal seating, as well as group study rooms that students can book by writing their name on the sign-up sheets posted on the door.

Library Guides for Students

We also have several online guides that might be useful for your students, including guides to specific databases and reference management software, as well as guides for research students about how the library can support them in their study.