Try these steps:
There are two options for finding articles using Library Search | Ketu [Remember to sign in]
1. To find an article from a citation. Search for the "Title of the article" (within quotation marks)
2. To find the Journal:
Watch this short video on how to use Library Search | Ketu. Need more help? Use this guide.
You can use Google Scholar to find an article from a citation:
The Interloan service enables library users to search for items, create free requests for items not held in the University of Otago Library, and monitor the progress of those requests.
Set up alerts to authors, search topics, journal articles, books, chapters, journal table of contents, and combinations of these.
Use the database functions once registered for an account or profile. More tips in our Keeping up-to-date with research guide.
Ovid offers a range of training videos at
For example:
MEDLINE (18.11 min)
Ovid TermFinder (3.55 min)
Advanced Search: Keyword Searching (3.58 min)
Advanced Search: Mapping (4.32 min)
Managing Search Results (8.47 min)
Refining Search Strategy with Limits (2.59 min)
These Otago tutorials are designed to provide a basic introduction to searching the databases: