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Theology: Open Access Resources

This guide presents key resources for staff and students' research

When certain events (eg: doing a pre-enrolment PhD proposal) prevent you from accessing print material, here are  some useful resources that provide legitimate access to digitized texts. Of course check the University Library first. We have a click and collect/delivery service for staff and enrolled students, and can also scan book chapters (within copyright), plus an amazing collection of eBooks available through the catalogue.


Unpaywall has a browser extension for Google Chrome which will find any open access/free versions of an article. 
When you go onto a journal article which is behind a paywall, it will inform you if there is an open version somewhere else. 

This will be very helpful for those who have graduated but want to continue to study, or those who are prepping for their PHD proposal.

Open Access (OA) is a new model of scholarly communication based on the principle that research should be freely accessible online, for anyone to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link to etc.  The advantages of Open Access include, making research easier to discover, wider dissemination of research, and increased citations. 

The following video from phdcomics provides an engaging overview of the topic:

Resources - Use the tabs to explore

Theses & Dissertations

An institutional repository is a platform where academic institutions archive and disseminate their research outputs. They are a treasure trove of theses, journal articles and book chapters, and are often Open Access. 

The University of Otago's Centre for Theology and Public Issues is the first research centre in New Zealand to examine political, social and economic issues from a theological perspective. The website has a selection of resources produced by the centre including articles, podcasts, and lectures.

Theologic Libraries Across Aotearoa

There are many Theological Libraries across the country whose resources you may be able to use. The list below shows membership information, contact details and the home delivery service status of libraries in major centers across Aotearoa.

North Island
South Island