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Library Search | Ketu

Saving Your Searches and Results

Sign into your account (See the Sign in to My Account section for more information) to save searches and/or selected results. You can also click on the Search history icon in the top right corner of the screen to see your previous searches, your saved searches and your saved records.

Ketu - Search History icon

  1. At the top of your results page, you can click on Save search.

    Ketu - Save Search example

  2. Each search is saved in My Favourites, the drawing pin icon, top right.

    Ketu - Saved Searches

  3. Select Saved Searches.

    Ketu - Saved searches results example

  4. From here, click:
    • Ketu - Public Health link to re-run your saved search
    • Ketu - Bell icon to set your search as an alert
    • Ketu - Unpin icon to delete your saved search

Saving to Ketu

To select items to save to a list in Ketu:

  1. Click on the drawing pin icon next to the name of the item.

    Ketu - Save to Ketu icons

  2. Your items will now appear in My Favourites under Saved Records.
  • If there is more than one version of an item, you will need to click through to see all versions to be able to select one for your list.

Sending to print, email, EndNote and Mendeley

1. Click on the Ellipses icon icon see more options to emailprint a record, or to save it to Endnote or Mendeley.

Ketu - Further options

2. Select your preferred option:

Ketu - Sending options

To save items on different topics:

  1. Go to My Favourites.

    Ketu - My Favourites icon

  2. Select the items you wish to label and click Add labels.Ketu - Add labels
  3. Type a name, and press Enter

     Ketu - Name topic

  4. Your label will now appear in the labels list to the right of the list of items.Ketu - Labels list
  5. Once you have set up a labelled group, you will be given the option to select that group, or create a new one, when you are saving new items.

     Ketu - Available labels