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The University of Otago Library has re-designed its Subject Guides system. Please let us know what you think by filling out this survey.

Searching Scopus

Selecting Results in Scopus

Change how results are displayed

Before starting to make selections, try changing the look of your page, e.g. all reference abstracts and/or more than 20 results per page, to make selecting easier.

Changing the number of records on the page

At the foot of the page, select the number of results you want to see per page.

Viewing abstracts

See the records with their abstracts to help you make selections: click the Show all abstracts link.

See abstracts
  • If you have a very large set of results which you wish to review, Scopus will allow you to see only the first 2,000 results of any set, so you may need to limit by date to create smaller sets for review.

Selecting and capturing

Select references of interest by ticking the check-box, then use the ... More ellipsis to Save to a List or click on Export to export to reference management software (EndNote / Mendeley).