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Performing Arts: Writing & Citing

Academic Resources

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Resources for Assignments

Writing & Essay Preparation

Writing & Essay preparation

Study Guides


  • The Quirky Comma: Tips on the when and how of using commas.
  • The Dreaded Apostrophe: Tips to help you use apostrophes correctly in your writing.
  • Colons and Semi Colons: This tip sheet is designed to clarify the use of colons and semi colons.
  • Writing a Literature Review: A literature review is a survey of scholarly sources on a specific topic. It provides an overview of current knowledge, allowing you to identify relevant theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research.

Online Tutorials


The Student Learning Centre offer a range of workshops that will assist with your writing:

Time Management 

Individual Consultations with a Learning Advisor

Student Learning Development - One-on-One consultations

Writing & Language Development 

Mind Mapping Apps - Individuals & Teams 

  Coggle - with this, you'll see the central node of a new mind map, with a plus sign to get started adding new nodes and ideas 

  MindMeister - this tool includes keyboard shortcuts, embeds live videos, adds team members' upvotes, and downvotes & leaves comments. 

  Scapple - start with an idea, and work "backwards" to find the main idea. Individual nodes will connect by dragging and dropping. 

  Stormboard - uses sticky notes and index cards, group your notes on different parts of the screen to represent connections. 

   SimpleMind - click on it to change it to whatever idea you're mind-mapping, and click on plus icons to create new branches and nodes. 

Evaluating Information (Te Ara Canterbury) 

It is important to identify Good information from Bad information

The video will help you evaluate the information you come across

  Evaluating Information (Pdf)   

  YouTube Video - CRAAP Test  (2:16) 


Academic Integrity and Plagiarism 

Academic integrity means being honest in your studies and assessments. Academic integrity is informed by the values of honesty, trust, responsibility, fairness, respect, and courage.

In New Zealand, high value is placed on full acknowledgement and referencing of the words and ideas of others. If you want to use information that you find elsewhere you must acknowledge where it came from.

This interactive online tutorial will help you learn what plagiarism is, why and how students get in trouble for it and how to use ideas or quotes from your research effectively.


Citation Guide

These books can help you when you are working on written assignments for art history and theory.

If you follow a citation style correctly, you will avoid plagiarism and help your reader find your information sources. 

How to Manage Your References

There is software available to help you keep track of all of the information that you find and ensure that your citations are formatted correctly

Managing Your References - Introduction (Citation Library) 

Know which reference manager you are looking for?  Use the following links to quickly navigate to their tabs in this guide:

EndNote is software used to manage bibliographic citations. It can be used to organise references, cite them in papers, and automatically generate bibliographies - in the citation style of your choice. 

Zotero is a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, cite, and share your research sources. It lives right where you do your work—in the web browser itself.

Mendeley is a free reference manager that can help you store, organize, note, share and cite references and research data.

                        Citing Social Media 


APA & MLA  (Georgia State) 

Chicago  (Carleton) 

Harvard  (Bournemouth) 

How to Cite a Podcast (MLA, APA, Chicago etc) 

Fundamentals of Drama 

 When you are critiquing a performance you should try to think beyond making simple value judgments and try to explain your impressions using examples from the performance. Try to put the production into a wider cultural context. Think about what the play is trying to say to its audience.

 You have to be able to provide a very brief summary of the play, a close objective analysis of the performance you attend, and an interpretation and evaluation of the entire ensemble of staging, acting, and directing. 

When it comes to writing a theatrical review. There is a difference between being a critic and being cruel. The analysis of a production does not have to be cruel.

Remember that a "critic" is one who observes and analyzes theatre with extensive explanation and is highly knowledgeable and sensitive to theatrical art and techniques. 

Reflective journals are personal records of the student's learning experiences. Reflection is essential to help us develop our understanding of ourselves, our learning experiences and our responses to what we're learning. 


Theatre and theater are both nouns that mean a building, room, or outdoor structure for the presentation of plays, films, or other dramatic performances. They can also refer to the activity or profession of acting in, producing, directing, or writing plays.


Exam Prep Regulations Otago University

Exam Prep Resources 

Zoom - Host Tips

Zoom -  Attendee 

Zoom - Recoding sessions 

Using AI 

This document guides the appropriate use of generative AI in higher education aligned with the Higher Education Standards Framework (2021).
By the Australian Academic Integrity Network (AAIN) Generative AI Working Group, March 2023.

This LibGuide has some important considerations that you should keep in mind before using Gen-AI in your studies. Cite Write!

Digital Tools for Archival Research 

   Illinois Libguide  (Digital Tools) 

  Transkribus (Transcription tool) 

Creative Commons


Creative Commons Licence

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.