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Irish Studies: Writing & Citing

Help with Citing for History Papers

If you follow a citation style correctly, you will avoid plagiarism and help your reader find your information sources.  Ask your lecturer/supervisor if you are not sure which style you should use.  The recommended style for History at Otago is:

  • Chicago (Footnotes and a Bibliography) sometimes called "Chicago A"

You'll find examples of how to cite correctly using Chicago's Author-Date style on the History Department Website:

How to Manage Your References

There is software available to help you to keep track of all of the information that you find and ensure that your citations are formatted correctly

Zotero is a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, cite, and share your research sources. It lives right where you do your work—in the web browser itself.

EndNote is software used to manage bibliographic citations. It can be used to organise references, cite them in papers, and automatically generate bibliographies - in the citation style of your choice.  

Theses & Dissertations

Research, Writing & Citing Guides

PLEASE NOTE: The Chicago Manual of Style also contains examples for both the Notes+Bibliography style (sometimes called "Chicago A") used by the History Department, and the Author-Date style (sometimes called "Chicago B") used by the English Department.  Try not to get confused between the 2 styles.