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Hocken Collections Te Uare Taoka o Hākena: Referencing Hocken sources

A guide for researchers at the Hocken Collections, University of Otago.

Referencing items from Hocken Collections

It is important to cite your sources of information (from a book, article, website, archive, etc.), so that you are not accused of plagiarism.

Most subject areas have a preferred standard citation style. If you are unsure which style to use ask your teacher, lecturer, tutor, or supervisor.

See the University of Otago LibGuide Referencing / Citation styles for guidance on the most commonly used styles at the University of Otago.

See the University of Otago LibGuide Managing Your References for guidance on the reference managers available to University of Otago staff and students.

Although each citation style may vary as to how the source details are formatted, there are essential elements that should be included if known:

  • Creator, artist or author/s name/s
  • Title/Description
  • Date
  • Publication information

For primary source material, it is also important to include the following details:

  • Collection Name/Number
  • Box/Folder/Filename/Number
  • Archive/Library and City

For examples of how to reference the various sources held at the Hocken Collections see the sections below.

How to cite publications

Locate the record for the item you are referencing on Library Search|Ketu as this should provide the details needed for your reference.

References should include the following information (but the order it is presented will depend on the citation style used):

  • Author - as recorded on the catalogue record if known
  • Title - as recorded on the catalogue record and presented in italics. If you are citing a newspaper or journal article it is necessary to cite the article title (in inverted commas) as well as the journal title (in italics), volume, issue, and page numbers of the article
  • Place of publication - as recorded on the catalogue record if known
  • Publisher - as recorded on the catalogue record if known
  • Date - as recorded on the catalogue record if known, but include any estimated dates in square brackets eg. [1887], [1900s?], or put n.d. for no date
  • Edition number - as recorded on the catalogue record if the book has been republished

Below are some examples on how to cite publications:


  • Greg Ryan and Geoff Watson. Sport and the New Zealanders a history. Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University Press, 2018.
  • Giselle Byrnes (Ed.). The new Oxford history of New Zealand. South Melbourne, Australia; New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.
  • John Singe. The Torres Strait: people and history. 2nd ed. St. Lucia, Qld.: University of Queensland Press, 1989.

Book chapter

  • P.L. Barton. ‘Māori Cartography and the European Encounter’ in Cartography in the traditional African, American, Arctic, Australian, and Pacific societies, The History of Cartography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998. Volume 2, Book 3, pp.493-536.


  • George Frederick Davis. Anzac Day meanings and memories: New Zealand, Australian and Turkish perspectives on a day of commemoration in the twentieth century.  Thesis (Ph. D.) Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago, 2009.
  • Imogen Stockwell. John Arthur Burnside: a Dunedin architect. Thesis (B.A. (Hons.)) Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago, 2011.

Newspaper article

  • 'Food Riots in Dunedin'. Otago Daily Times. 11 January 1932, page 8.
  • 'Student search for homes now desperate'. Press, 25 February 1975, page 1.

Journal article

  • Russell Brown, 'Enjoy What You Do The Bats'. Rip It Up, Issue 97, 1 August 1985, page 10.
  • Jim McAloon, 'The Colonial Wealthy in Canterbury and Otago: No Idle Rich'. New Zealand Journal of History, Vol. 30 no. 1, April 1996, pp. 43-60.

See the University of Otago LibGuide Referencing / Citation styles for guidance on referencing electronic sources.

How to cite ephemera

Locate the record for the item you are referencing on Hākena as this should provide the details needed for your reference. These details will vary from item to item as some material does not include publication/production information such as a publisher, or date and place of publication.

References should include the following information (but the order it is presented will depend on the citation style used):

  • Title - taken from the item and presented in quotation marks or italics, eg. "Eat More Sardines"
  • Publisher - as printed on item eg. Department of Education, but include any assumed details in square brackets eg. [Otago University Students' Association], or leave out if unknown. If the item is unpublished, then include the name of the creator if stated, or include it in square brackets if assumed
  • Place of Publication - as printed on item eg. Wellington, but include any assumed details in square brackets eg. [Dunedin], or leave out if unknown
  • Date of Publication - as printed on the item, but include any assumed dates in square brackets eg. [1987], [1930s?], or put n.d. for no date. Please note that on a Hākena record the date of an item is located at the end of the title (see the examples below)
  • Reference number - as stated on Hākena record, eg. Eph-0009-DU-D. Material in the Ephemera collection that is not yet described on Hākena will not have a reference number
  • Collection group - as stated on Hākena record if referring to an item in a collection group eg. Otago University Dramatic Society: Ephemera. Material in the Ephemera collection that is not yet described on Hākena may have a temporary collection group or category name, eg. Bastion Point ephemera

All references should include the following details for the collection name, archive/library and city:

  • Ephemera Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Please ask library staff, or email the Curator of Ephemera, for assistance if the material is not listed on Hākena.

Some material is described as individual items or as items in collection groups. Below are some examples for referencing ephemera.

Citing an item in a collection group

  • "Snapper and Steven Fri-1 Sat-2 May Burgundy Bar". [1987]. Bruce Russell: Posters, Eph-0001-ML-D-01/02. Ephemera Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for this item. There are no publisher details on this poster. The production date has been assumed but not printed on the poster, so it is written in square brackets to indicate this. The poster is part of the Bruce Russell: Posters collection group and its reference number is Eph-0001-ML-D-01/02.

  •  "Runaways: girls in trouble". Wellington: New Zealand Truth, 31 March 1970. New Zealand Truth: Posters, Eph-0002-PN-D-01/03. Ephemera Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for this item. This poster includes details of the publisher, place and date of publication. The poster is part of the New Zealand Truth: Posters collection group and its reference number is Eph-0002-PN-D-01/03.

  • "Arms and the Man" programme. [Dunedin]: Otago University Dramatic Society, 18 June 1932. Otago University Dramatic Society: Ephemera, Eph-0004-PN-A-01. Ephemera Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for this item. This programme includes details of the creator, and a date. The place of publication is not included on the programme but being assumed as Dunedin it is included in square brackets. The programme is part of the Otago University Dramatic Society: Ephemera collection group and its reference number is Eph-0004-PN-A-01.

Citing an individual item
  • "With Sir Hubert Wilkins To the Antarctic and Arctic By Aeroplane and Submarine with a Personal Appearance of Sir Hubert Wilkins". [1933?]. Eph-0028-G-D. Ephemera Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for this item. There are no publisher details on this poster. The publication date is assumed, so it is written in square brackets to indicate this. Its reference number is Eph-0028-G-D.

  • "Milk The Backbone of the Nation". New Zealand Department of Health, [1950s-1960s]. Eph-0011-TX-D. Ephemera Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for this item. This poster includes details of the publisher but not the place and date of publication. The publication date range is assumed, so it is written in square brackets to indicate this. Its reference number is Eph-0011-TX-D.

How to cite music and audiovisual recordings

Locate the record for the item you are referencing on Library Search | Ketu as this should provide the details needed for your reference. These details will vary from item to item as some material does not include publication information such as a record label or date.

Please check with library staff, or the Curator of Music and Audiovisual Collections for further assistance.

References should include the following information (but the order it is presented will depend on the citation style used):

  • Title of album/film/television show - taken from the item and presented in italics, eg. Boy
  • Recording artist/band/director - this information generally comes first in the citation, but again, check your citation style. For classical music recordings, the composer comes first in the citation, and the performers after the title. If the recording artist or director is unknown, use [Author unknown] in square brackets
  • Date of release/broadcast - this is only the year of original release. if the date is not known, use n.d.
  • Record label/ film or television production company - used at the end of the citation. Unless specifically required by the citation style, there is no need to include place of record label or distributor
  • Format - when citing Music and Audiovisual recordings, include a format in square brackets, eg. [DVD], [Album], [45rpm disc], [Song]
  • Place of performance - only required for live performance music recordings
  • Title of song - taken from the item, but not in italics. Only used when citing a specific song rather than an album
  • Original works published date - only used when citing classical music recordings
  • Writer and director of television episode - only used when citing a particular episode of a television series
  • Series and episode number - only used when citing a particular episode of a television series
  • Executive producers - generally only used when citing a particular episode of a television series

Below are some examples on how to cite music and audiovisual recordings:


  • Split Enz. (1979). True Colours . [Album].  Mushroom Records

Click here to see the Library Search | Ketu record for the item.


  • Pixie Williams and the Ruru Karaitina Quintette. (1949). Blue Smoke. [Song]. TANZA.

Click here to see the Library Search | Ketu record for the item.

Song from an album [this must include the album title]

  • Straitjacket Fits. (1987). She Speeds. [Song]  On Life in One Chord. Flying Nun Records

Click here to see the Library Search | Ketu record for the item.

Unreleased recordings

  • The Titans. (1965). I Saw Her Standing There; I'm Alive; Rock & Roll Music; Tell Me What You See. [Songs]. Broadway Recording Studios. [unreleased recording]

Click here to see the Library Search | Ketu record for the item.

Unreleased recordings should be cited in the same way as officially released recordings, with as much information as possible. Include 'unreleased recording' in square brackets at the end of the citation.

Classical album [include composer name first, as well as performer names and dates of original publication]

  • Lilburn, D. (1993). Three Symphonies. [Album recorded by John Hopkins, Ashley Heenan, and the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra]. Kiwi Pacific Records. (Original works published 1948, 1951, and 1960).

Click here to see the Library Search | Ketu record for the item. For classical music recordings, the composer is listed first, and recording artists listed in square brackets. Different citation styles may vary with this information.There are three works performed on this album, and the three dates at the end of the citation refer to their original dates of publication.

Live concert recording

  • Outside Lunchtime Concert: Thursday 15th October, 1981. Performance by The Clean, 15 October 1981. [University of Otago]

Click here to see the Library Search | Ketu record for the item. This recording includes information on the date of the performance, and the performing band. The place of publication is not included on the recording, but determined as Dunedin as this is where the concert took place.


  • Waititi, Taika, director. Hunt for the Wilderpeople [DVD]. Sony Pictures, 2016.

Click here to see the Library Search | Ketu record for the item.

Television show

  • Balme, Tim, creator. The Brokenwood Mysteries [DVD]. South Pacific Pictures, 2014.

Click here to see the Library Search | Ketu record for the item.

Episode of television show

  • Yates, Paul (writer), and Van Beek, Jackie (director). Haunted Nissan (Series 2, Episode 5) [TV series episode]. In T. Waititi & J Clements, (executive producers), Wellington Paranormal. [DVD].  New Zealand Documentary Board, 2019.

Click here to see the Library Search | Ketu record for the item. Specific episode information is not listed on the Library Search | Ketu record - for more information check the DVD case for writer and director information.

For more information on elements to include when citing a spoken word (not music) sound recording, please contact Curator of Music and Audiovisual

How to cite material on Hocken Digital Collections

Hocken Digital Collections includes digitised images of material from across the collections.

To cite an image on Hocken Digital Collections:

  • click on the download icon to the left of the image
  • download a metadata file
  • use the details in the metadata file to create your citation according to which collection it is from
  • check Hākena (using the reference no. or title) if you are not sure what collection it is from

Please note: Hocken Digital Collections still includes material from our original Recollect site Hocken Snapshop. These Snapshop images are of a lower quality and have more minimal metadata than the newly available material but are slowly being replaced with higher quality images. For information on referencing Snapshop images see the relevant section in 'How to cite photography'.

How to cite archives

Locate the record for the item you are referencing on Hākena as this should provide the details needed for your reference.

References should include the following information (but the order it is presented will depend on the citation style used):

  • Title - as recorded on the Hākena record
  • Date  - as recorded on the Hākena record (located at the end of the title, see the examples below)
  • Reference number - as stated on Hākena record, eg. MS-0820
  • Collection group - as stated on Hākena record if referring to an item in a collection group eg. Dunedin Round Table Clubs Records

All references should include the following details for the collection name, archive/library and city:

  • Archives Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Please ask library staff, or email the archivists, for assistance.

Some material is described as components of an item, or as individual items, or as items in collection groups. Below are some examples for referencing archives.

Citing a component of an item in a collection group

  • 'Muddy Creek (Garvie's) Waikaia', Alexander Don photograph, c.1900, from Photograph Album of Chinese goldminers in Central Otago, c.1898-1903, McNeur family papers. MS-1007-009/009/012. Archives Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for this photograph (component) located in a photograph album (item). Each photograph in the album has been itemised separately.  The title of the photograph, provided in quote marks, and its approximate date (circa 1900) is listed. This record describes the photograph album and states that Alexander Don was the photographer. The album is part of the McNeur family papers. The reference number for the photograph is MS-1007-009/009/012.

  • Letter from Joss to Beattie, 1918, Papers relating to Kāi Tahu and Waitaha, James Herries Beattie papers. MS-582/F/18. Archives Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for a folder of papers relating to Kāi Tahu and Waitaha (item). This reference is for one of the letters (component) in the folder. The folder is part of the James Herries Beattie papers. The reference number for the folder is MS-582/F/18 and this is used for the reference as the individual items in the folder have not been itemised.

  • 'Photograph of men sewing sacks', n.d., Milburn New Zealand Limited Records, 89-025/006. Archives Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for this photograph (component) in a collection of Milburn New Zealand Limited records. The reference number is an accession number (89-025/006) which indicates that this collection has not yet been fully processed by the archivists. This number can be used for the reference number until the collection is processed.

Citing an item in a collection group

  • Visitors' book, 1872-1924, Donald Sutherland Papers relating to the 'City of Milford' at Milford Sound, AG-990/001. Archives Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for this visitor's book (item) in a collection of Donald Sutherland Papers relating to the 'City of Milford' at Milford Sound.

  • Visiting cards and metal printing plates, [c.1890s], Professor John Halliday Scott Papers, MS-4314. Archives Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for Visiting cards and metal printing plates (item) in a collection of Professor John Halliday Scott Papers. Their date is determined as circa 1890s and is presented in square brackets.

  • Annual Reports, 1869 - 1910, Dunedin Athenaeum & Mechanics Institution Minutes & annual reports, 87-143-2. Archives Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for annual reports (item) in a collection of Dunedin Athenaeum & Mechanics Institution Minutes & annual reports. The reference number is an accession number (87-143-2) which indicates that this collection has not yet been fully processed by the archivists. This number can be used for the reference number until the collection is processed.

Citing an individual item

  • Frederick Ashby Hargreaves, Diary of a voyage to New Zealand in the 'Sam Mendel' 1881, 2 June - 20 Sept 1881. MS-0820. Archives Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for this diary by Frederick Ashby Hargreaves. The date is the date range covered by the diary.

  • Berwick Drainage Board, Minute book, 1898 - 1908. AG-635. Archives Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for this minute book of the Berwick Drainage Board. The date is the date range covered by the minute book.

  • Powell, Paul 'A Vision of Scotland', 1998. 98-102. Archives Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for this poem written by Paul Powell in 1998. The reference number is an accession number (98-102) which indicates that this item has not yet been fully processed by the archivists. This number can be used for the reference number until the item is processed.

How to cite photographs

Locate the record for the item you are referencing on Hākena as this should provide the details needed for your reference.

References should include the following information (but the order it is presented will depend on the citation style used):

  • Photograph subject / title - as recorded on the Hākena record. There is no need to use single quotes, or italicise the title
  • Date - as recorded on the Hākena record (located at the end of the title, see the examples below)
  • Photographer name - as stated on Hākena record. If Photographer is unknown, use Photographer Unknown
  • Reference number - as stated on Hākena record

All references should include the following details for the collection name, archive/library and city:

  • Photography Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Please ask library staff, or email the Curator of Photography, for assistance.

Photographs in the Archives collection and the Photography collection are referenced slightly differently, as photographs in Archives are part of wider collections that need to be cited (see How to cite archives)

Below are some examples for referencing photographs.

Photograph by a known photographer

  • Jay Clarkson, c. 1998. Nigel Yates, P2020-026-001-012. Photography Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for this item.

Photograph by an unknown photgrapher

  • Orkney and Shetland Society c. 1930. Photographer Unknown, P2019-011. Photography Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for this item.

Photograph album

  • Album 144 Tily, H.S. : Tensfeld's Trip through New Zealand 1866-1870. John Tensfield, P1978-014/02. Photography Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for this item.

Photograph in an album

If you need to reference a photograph in a photograph album, use the same format as a single photograph.

  •  Port Chalmers, c.1866-1869. John Tensfield 1866-1870. P1978-014/02-001. Photography Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ. 

Click here to see the Hākena record for this item. For this citation from the Photography collection, note the name or description of the photograph first, and the date of the photograph. After this note the photograph album and continue with the same information you would use for the photograph album.

 Photograph on Hocken Snapshop

Hocken Digital Collections still includes material from our original Recollect site Hocken Snapshop. These Snapshop images are of a lower quality and have more minimal metadata than the newly available material but are slowly being replaced with higher quality images.

Hocken Snapshop includes photographs that are held at Hocken Collections, and photographs that are held at other institutions. Some photographs on Hocken Snapshop are only held as copy prints in the reader access files and it is not known where the original image is held. If there is information on where the item is held, include this in your citation, but if there is no information then only reference the online image.

  •  Poi Dancers. c.1900s [accessed 20 October 2023]. Josiah Martin1843-1916. Available from Original photograph held: Box-164-006. Photography Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ 

This photograph is accessible via Hocken Snaphop but is held in the Hocken Photography collection (see the Hākena record here).  After the photograph date add the date you accessed it online. After the photographer's life dates add the URL to link back to the image on Hocken Snapshop. Include the reference number of the original photograph, as well as information for Hocken Collections.

  •  'Roadmaking by unemployed during the Depression'. 1932 March [accessed March 4 2022]. Available from: Hocken photograph is a copy print of the original photograph: Roadmaking during the Depression, possibly Akatarawa, Hutt Valley [photograph]. 1932 March 23. Located at: Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, NZ; 1/2-022602-F.

The above citation is for an image held in another institution where the digital copy is also held on Hocken Snapshop. In the citation after the Hocken Snapshop information, note the image is a copy of an original photograph and then provide the information from the original holding institution's record, including title, medium (in square brackets), date, institution name and the institutions reference number for the item.

The above citation is for an image only held in Hocken Collections' reader access files and it is not known where the original photograph is held. There is no date for this image, so use n.d. This photographer in unknown, so use 'Unknown Photographer'.


  • Colour postcard of Embarking Passengers, Queenstown, n.d.  Photographer Unknown. P2010-036. Photography Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for this item. There is no requirement to note this is a postcard as the title notes the format. As the date and photographer are not noted, use n.d., and Photographer Unknown

How to cite artworks

Locate the record for the item you are referencing on Hākena as this should provide the details needed for your reference.

References should include the following information (but the order it is presented will depend on the citation style used):

  • Artist - as recorded in the Hākena record. If the artist is unknown, use Artist Unknown
  • Artist dates - as recorded on the Hākena record. These are birth year, and (if applicable) death year eg. 1964 -  or 1908 -1970. If there are no dates use n.d.
  • Title - as recorded on the Hākena record. Please use italics for the title
  • Date of work - as recorded on the Hākena record 
  • Medium - as recorded in the Hākena record, eg. watercolour, etching, oil painting
  • Dimension - this may not be recorded on Hākena, and some citation styles may not require this information
  • Accession number - as stated on Hākena record, eg. 19,767 or 2012/02

All references should include the following details for the collection name, archive/library and city:

  • Art Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Please ask library staff, or email the Curator of Art, for assistance.

Below are some examples for referencing artworks.

Artwork by a known artist

  • Dalziel, Ian, (1957-). The Original Collage, 1991. Collage, ink on paper, 135x135mm,  V2015.14.1. Art Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for the item.

  • Clairmont, Philip, (1949-1984). 3 Windows, known as Can't, 1976. Watercolours, coloured pencils and ballpoint pen on paper, 458x608mm, 95/30. Art Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see Hākena record for the item.

  • MacLennan, Stewart B., (1903-1973). Still Life with Decanters, n.d. Linocut, 345x395mm (paper); 294x340mm (plate), V2014-009-005, Art Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see Hākena record for the item. This item has no date listed, so use n.d.The work has two dimensions for the print and the original plate, so use both measurements, but put in brackets what medium or item relates to the specific measurement.

Artwork by an unknown artist

  • Artist Unknown, Scott, J.H., 1851-1914 (John Halliday). Sketchbook Volume 17, 1880. Pencil drawings on paper,  185x277mm. 77/95. Art Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for the item. This item has no known artist, but the sketchbook is compiled by John Halliday Scott. Scott's name (and dates) as the compiler are included after 'Artist Unknown'.

  • Artist Unknown. Parihaka Pa, 1880. Oil Painting, 23,102. Art Collection, Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Click here to see the Hākena record for the item

How to cite maps and plans

Locate the record for the item you are referencing on Library Search|Ketu as this should provide the details needed for your reference.

References should include the following information (but the order it is presented will depend on the citation style used):

  • Creator - as recorded on the catalogue record if known
  • Title - as recorded on the catalogue record and presented in italics
  • Place of publication - as recorded on the catalogue record if known
  • Publisher - as recorded on the catalogue record if known
  • Date - as recorded on the catalogue record if known, but include any estimated dates in square brackets eg. [1887], [1900s?], or put n.d. for no date.

Below are some examples on how to cite maps:

  • Lake Mahinerangi. Wellington: Lands and Survey Dept, [1946?].

Click here to see the Library Search | Ketu record.

  • [Pomahaka Hundred]. New Zealand, [188-?].

Click here to see the Library Search | Ketu record. The title is not on the map but has been supplied by the cataloguer so include it in square brackets. The record states that the publisher is not known.

  • Kettle, Charles H. (Charles Henry). Chart of the Harbour of Otago. London: Standidge & Co. Litho., 1846.

Click here to see the Library Search | Ketu record.

  • Section 3, Block II and Section 22, Block V, Waipori Survey District. Dunedin: District Lands Office, 1909.

Click here to see the Library Search | Ketu record.

Please note that there are also maps and plans in the archives collection. They should be referenced as items, or items in collection groups, as instructed in the box 'How to cite archives'.