Provides indexing and abstracting for more than 10,000 journals, with full-text coverage for more than 6.000 titles. Covers a wide range of areas of academic study from the sciences to the arts.
A classified listing and subject index of scholarly books and articles on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics. Source documents include journal articles, books, and dissertations. Access to the MLA's Directory of Periodicals is also provided.
A leading electronic database providing indexing/abstracting and full-text access to scholarly and general interest publications. It combines information from a number of leading online databases with subjects covering: business, law, education, computing, science, technology, engineering, arts, medicine, and religion.
Provides full-text access to back issues (delay in coverage generally 3-5 years) of selected scholarly journals in history, economics, political science, demography, mathematics and other fields of the humanities, social sciences, and life sciences. The Library's access includes all Arts & Sciences Collections, the Life Sciences Collection, Business IV, and the Ireland Collection.
Covers agriculture, arts, Asian studies, business, cultural studies, education, history, indigenous studies, law, media, political science, reference, social sciences, science and technology. Content sources include peer reviewed journals, monographs and books, conference proceedings, research papers and reference materials sourced and indexed by RMIT Publishing.
Focused on all aspects of the communications field. Key subjects include: advertising and public relations, literature and writing, linguistics, and many more.
Access to over 1,000 newspapers from over 80 countries in 40 different languages. The newspapers are presented exactly as they are in print format and are available to read at the same time (often earlier) than the print versions. NOTE: Only goes back 90 days.
An archival research resource containing primary sources for studying the history of the film and entertainment industries, from the era of vaudeville and silent movies through to 2000. The core US and UK trade magazines covering film, music, broadcasting and theatre are all included, together with film fan magazines and music press titles.
A national filmography documenting the history of American cinema. Cataloguing currently covers the years 1893-1974 comprehensively, with additional records covering selected major films from 1975 onwards.
A bibliographic resource covering academic and popular film journals up to the present day. The database also provides access to many of the articles in full-text.
The Arts Premium Collection provides cross-searchable databases with thousands of journal titles, ensuring deep searches of extensive collections in specialist subject fields. Subject areas include art, design, architecture, humanities, film/screen studies, music, performing arts, and more. With international coverage, and access to the definitive indexes in these fields, the Arts Premium Collection supports academic inquiry and is a rich source for comprehensive arts literature reviews.
A major information resource for entertainment films and personalities produced in collaboration with the British Film Institute. With a scholarly, inclusive approach to all areas of film studies - from the very first silent movies, to art house classics or the latest blockbusters - Film Index International provides international coverage, indexing films from over 170 countries.
A leading electronic database providing indexing/abstracting and full-text access to scholarly and general interest publications. It combines information from a number of leading online databases with subjects covering: business, law, education, computing, science, technology, engineering, arts, medicine, and religion.
A definitive resource for those who need access to a variety of scientific journals. Subject coverage includes: Anthropology, Communication science, Demography, Economics, Human services, Political science, Policy studies, Psychology, and Sociology.
A selection of documents that explore the complexities and interpret the nature of social behavior and organization. The database includes content by such major theorists as Theodor Adorno, Jean Baudrillard, Simone de Beauvoir, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Émile Durkheim, Michel Foucault, Jürgen Habermas, Robert Merton, Dorothy E. Smith , and Talcott Parsons.
A streaming service that provides access to video content sourced from leading suppliers. It has a huge library of documentaries, films and short courses.
Alexander Street are curated, primary-source collections, websites, and streaming media for learning and research. Includes collections on LGBT Studies, Art & Design, Criminal Justice, and Dance.