These resources are designed to be useful to the fifth-year medical students and academic staff involved in the one-year-long Rural Medical Immersion Programme (RMIP) of the Otago Medical School, University of Otago.
Please make sure that you use the Library resources that relate to which of the three clinical schools of Otago School of Medicine you are affliated with; Dunedin, Wellington or Christchurch.
If you host a student in your General Practice, you are eligible to have access to Library resources. Once you are signed off you have access to Library resources for two years before it needs to be renewed. Please contact Leigh-Ann Moir (details below) and she will be able to help you with this.
Leigh-Ann Moir
Tel +64 3 4404345
Mob +64 21 279 0038
If you're on placement you can use the Distance Library Service and find out more about this service here: Students on Placement
You can request:
In order to make sure the Library sends items to the correct address:
It's best to download these apps for the first time whilst you are on campus and connected to the university network. Then you'll need to make sure you connect at least once every 3 months in order to keep the app active and for the updates. Please ensure that you are accessing the resources from the correct Library webpage e.g. a Dunedin student should go through the Dunedin databases page.
These are non-library resources but have been mentioned by past students as being useful.
Ackland's Anatomy (only available to Dunedin campus users) and LWW Health Library both offer quiz questions and remdiation as a part of their content. Students will need to create a self-registration personal account which will allow them to use the quiz.