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The University of Otago Library has re-designed its Subject Guides system. Please let us know what you think by filling out this survey.

Medicine: Home

About this Guide

This guide will help you find relevant databases, books, journals, websites and specialist resources for your research in medicine. There is a linked guide that will also help you find relevant evidence-based clinical resources.

You can also make an appointment to see one of us, your subject specialist librarians, if you'd like some support with your research. This guide is always a work in progress, so we welcome suggestions for additional content.

LWW Health Library (trial)

The LWW Health Library platform provides authoritative texts, multimedia resources, and teaching & learning tools for medical education and the health professions. Access is available at this stage through to the end of 2020.

You have access to texts, cases, self-assessment tools, procedure videos and audio files covering 12 specialist subject collections: Advanced Practice Nursing, Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, Exercise Science, Medical Education, Occupational Therapy, Oncology, Orthopaedic Surgery, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Speech Language Hearing, and Surgery.

All collections can be searched through a single search box, or each collection can be searched individually.

There is a separate page for staff members wishing to make use of LWW Health Library content.

New resource: AccessMedicine

AccessMedicine delivers indispensable support and invaluable online solutions in medical education and clinical practice through these interactive features:

Leading medical textbooks – More than 100 references help students succeed throughout their medical education, including the latest editions of the world’s most respected medical texts such as Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine and CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment.

Extensive multimedia library – A unique collection of  examination and procedural videos, patient safety modules, audio files, and animations that feature complicated concepts presented in terms students can understand are available, including videos illustrating fundamental medical concepts drawn from the world’s most trusted medical textbook, Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine.

Differential Diagnosis Tool – Connect to more than 1,000 diagnoses through Diagnosaurus®, a tool that saves you time by allowing you to browse by symptom, disease, or organ system at the point of care.

There is a separate guide (maintained by McGraw-Hill) with very useful information on this resource.


Rural & Remote Health toolkit

We are pleased to announce the latest Toolkit curated by the Elsevier team. This Toolkit focuses on Rural and Remote Health.

Within this ClinicalKey for Nursing toolkit you will find links to some of the latest journal articles, books and drug information relevant to Rural and Remote Health in Australia and New Zealand

The importance of rural and remote health in the Australian and New Zealand region stems from the ethical obligation to provide equitable healthcare services to all populations, regardless of their geographic location. Addressing these concerns requires policy initiatives, innovative healthcare delivery models, increased investment in healthcare infrastructure, and a comprehensive approach to Indigenous health. By focusing on rural and remote health, the ANZ region can strive towards achieving better health outcomes for all its residents.

ClinicalKey - Rural and Remote Health Toolkit

Smoking & vaping toolkit


This Toolkit brings together some of the latest evidence-based literature, available via our subscription to ClinicalKey to help support the nephrology specialization and collaboration across our interdisciplinary care teams.

ClinicalKey:  Nephrology Toolkit 2024