This capped agreement includes 2128 hybrid and some full open access journal titles during 2025, which allows Otago corresponding authors to publish open access with no transactional article processing charges (APCs). The 2025 publishing limit/cap is set at 50 articles. After that date, if authors wish to publish open access, they will need to pay the APC themselves.
Check the 2025 Otago OA Publishing Agreement Titles List (updated 3 Feb 2025) for your desired journal.
This capped agreement provides for Otago corresponding authors with an allowance of 50 articles to be published open access in 2128 journal titles, with no transactional APCs.
Check the 2025 Otago OA Publishing Agreement Titles List (updated 3 Feb 2025) for your desired journal.
Articles accepted from 1/1/2025 are eligible to be published open access under this agreement.
The following article types are eligible for open access under this agreement:
Springer Nature does charge additional fees for page and/or colour fees. Authors should always check each journal’s submission guidelines to ensure that they will not be subject to any other fees or charges.
As defined by the publisher, the eligible author is:
“Eligible Authors” means Affiliated Authors who have (i) signed one of the then current open access publishing agreements used by the publisher of the journal to which the author is submitting an article for publication under an Open Access License; and (ii) for whom the participating institution has confirmed their status as an Affiliated Author.
“Affiliated Authors” means authors who are teaching and research staff employed by or otherwise accredited to the participating institution or who are students enrolled at or accredited to a participating institution. In the case of articles published by multiple authors only the author corresponding with the Springer Nature at the time of acceptance qualifies as an Affiliated Author.
Responsible corresponding authors must include a participating institution as one of their affiliations to benefit from this agreement.
Authors will be identified as eligible for open access publishing by their:
Responsible corresponding authors must use their institutional email address when submitting an article for publication.
Responsible corresponding authors should not use personal email addresses (e.g. Hotmail, Gmail). Doing so may result in delayed approval of the article or the article may not be approved to be published open access under the terms of the agreement.
Articles from authors at participating institutions may be published under the following Creative Commons licenses:
Authors retain all rights as per the CC license.
CC BY is the main licence type offered by Springer Nature journals. Other CC licences types may be accommodated by request.
The Creative Commons licenses allow reuse (some with conditions) while protecting the authors' rights of acknowledgment as authors. Authors retain copyright.
Researchers who require a CC BY-NC-ND licence should contact the editors for the relevant journal.
Please note the only option provided for ADIS titles is CC BY-NC.
Researchers who require other CC BY licence types should contact the editors for the relevant journal.
The Springer Nature website provides further details on the OA licence options available to authors.
The Creative Commons licenses allow reuse (some with conditions) while protecting the authors' rights of acknowledgment as authors.
The following instructions for authors have been provided by the publisher. Further details are available on the publisher’s website.
The workflow can be broken down to a 5 step process
1. Submission
Manuscript is submitted. Submitting author provides e.g. FundRef and ORCID information. Article category is assigned.
Peer review is conducted.2. Editorial Acceptance
After editorial acceptance, the corresponding author is able to identify themselves as affiliated to a member institution3. Identification
Corresponding author identifies themselves as connected to a member institution. The institution's OA agreement eligibility determines if the journal and article type are in scope for OA publication.4. Verification
If eligible, the article details are sent to the University of Otago Library for final verification and approval.5. Publication
The author can now complete the remainder of the production process and the article is published open access.
Example screenshot(s):
Through this agreement, the version of record will be available under a CC-BY licence fully open access immediately upon publication. Institutions wishing to re-host the version of record in an institutional repository are free to do so.
Please email for questions regarding this agreement. Please include your full name, institution, article title, journal name and DOI (if available), and state the reason for your enquiry.
Through this agreement, the version of record will be available under a CC-BY licence fully open access immediately upon publication. Institutions wishing to re-host the version of record in an institutional repository are free to do so.