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Research Publishing & Impact: Read and Publish Agreements

Transforming Scholarly Publishing

Australian Catholic University (ACU)       

From January 2024, Otago-affiliated researchers will be able to take advantage of Read and Publish Agreements to publish Otago research and scholarly articles direct to Open Access with no transactional article processing charges, within over 9800 journals from 17  publishers.

As part of these agreements, Otago pays for the subscription to access or read journal articles, while at the same time ensuring Otago researchers, academics and students can publish within selected journals as open access.

In 2023 453 articles were published by Otago corresponding authors under these agreements!

MBIE (Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment) announced in November 2022 that researchers are now mandated to use Open Access publishing for MBIE funded research, within 12 months of publisher acceptance of your article. Read and Publish Agreement journal titles are great OA options so check for a publisher embargo period before submission. Deposit your research also in Otago's institutional repository (OUR Archive) or other repositories.

See more detail: MBIE Open Research Policy, the NZ Herald coverage, and Tom Saunders explaining the policy implications.

Agreements have been reached with the following 17 publishers:

  • American Institute of Physics*
  • APA PsycArticles
  • Brill
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Company of Biologists
  • Elsevier*
  • Institute of Physics
  • Lyell Collection/Geological Society
  • Microbiology Society Collection
  • Oxford University Press*
  • Portland Press
  • Rockefeller University Press
  • SAGE
  • Springer Nature*
  • Taylor & Francis*
  • Wiley and Hindawi*
  • Other publishing discounts

Denotes inclusion of Hybrid and Gold OA titles.

Capped agreements* permit a limited number of articles to be published per year.

Once the allowance is used, authors of additional articles may choose to publish as closed access or pay for an article processing charge for the article to be published open access.

l Check this 2024 Otago list of titles (updated 26 Jan 2024) which are included in these Read and Publish Agreements, or

l try our new Titles and Publisher search app in the next box below.

Cross check a journal's impact factor, quartile or ranking, using Journal Citation Reports and Scopus Sources.

Contact your Subject Librarian for more information about the Read and Publish Agreements.

Track approval and rejection statistics for American Institute of Physics, Elsevier, Oxford University Press, Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis, and Wiley and Hindawi, where the overall Agreements are capped.


1. University of Otago is an associate member of the CAUL (Council of Australian University Libraries) Procurement consortium. Pressure from academic library consortia, such as CAUL, for Open Access publishing has led to increasing experimentation by publishers, and new Open Access business models. These “transformative agreements” are designed to eventually re-purpose subscription expenditure to pay for APC fees associated with Open Access publishing. 

2. American Institute of Physics, APA PsycArticles, Elsevier, Lyell Collection/Geological Society, Rockefeller, and Springer Nature agreements offer publishing entitlements in hybrid journals only. Hybrid journals contain some closed-access articles that Otago subscribers can read, and some OA articles. Publishing entitlements for Brill, Cambridge, Company of Biologists, CSIRO, Institute of Physics, Microbiological Society, Oxford, Portland Press, SAGE, Taylor & Francis, and Wiley and Hindawi agreements include hybrid and some Gold OA journals. In Gold OA journals all articles are published OA. Where fully OA journals are not included in these agreements, authors will likely still incur APCs.

2024 CAULOtago Read and Publish Titles

What - How - Why